Mari buka mata dan hati kita...ternyata perang terhadap Islam semakin lama 
semakin gencar. Dunia barat dengan mengatas namakan Islam dan para eks Muslim 
semakin merajalela menyerang dunia Islam. Lantas apakah kita akan berdiam diri 
terus? mari berperang suci lewat dunia maya. Salut buat para kawan2 hackers yg 
telah banyak membumi hanguskan situs2 Yahudi dan antek2nya. Keep it going 

--- On Tue, 2/10/09, Faithfreedom Newsletter <> 

From: Faithfreedom Newsletter <>
Subject: Faithfreedom Newsletter #2
Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 10:22 AM

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Faith-Freedom International
........towards a safer dawn for humanity.
A movement of Ex Muslims against Islam, the fountain-head of terrorism in 
today's world and the greatest threat to the ideals of a free humanity.
2nd Issue, February 7th 2009

Welcome to the second issue of Nuggets of Freedom from FFI. 
Faithfreedom International was founded by Dr Ali Sina, an Iranian currently 
living in Canada. He lived Islam in his initial years and as he started 
learning more about the religion called Islam in order to seek answers to 
deeper questions, he realized that Islam was a dangerous cult which not only 
victimized its adherents but was also a threat to the free world as it could 
not tolerate free and opposing thoughts. He realized that Islam seeks to 
eliminate all the other religions and thoughts from the earth and impose the 
7th Century Arabic culture in the whole world. He renounced Islam and decided 
to expose it to the whole world. While in the earlier times, anyone who opposed 
or exposed Islam ran the risk of losing his life at the hands of defenders of 
this "peaceful (?)" faith, the advent of internet made it possible to do so 
without risking or losing one's life. Dr Sina, along with some fellow 
ex-Muslims, started the movement which is known as
 Faith-Freedom International today. He launched the movement's site which has been attracting increasing number of 
visitors ever since its launch and has been one of the leading sites on the 
internet on the issue of dangers of Islam.
FFI initially became famous because of Dr Ali Sina's open challenge to Muslims. 
He declared a prize of $50,000 to anyone who could disprove his charges of 
heinous crimes against Muhammad, who is considered a man of sublime morals and 
worth emulating by Muslims. Many Muslims and Islamic Scholars have debated Dr 
Ali Sina, but none has been able to prove him wrong till date.
If you have ever wondered about Jihad, the Islamic concept, which is 
responsible for almost all the terrorist attacks in the modern world, and wish 
to understand what motivates these terrorists, FFI is a great place to learn 
about the Islamic ideology which inspires violence against Non-Muslims. The 
articles and the discussions at FFI cut through the usual Muslims' propaganda 
about Islam being the religion of peace and lays bare the truth about Islam. 
It is an endeavour from FFI to reach out to the world in order to spread its 
message and to make humanity aware of the real threat Islam poses to the 
freedom of thought, freedom of action and the spirit of discovery every free 
human being possesses. 

Articles published during the last week at FFI:

How About those Women Suicide Bombers in Iraq? Let’s Ask Matt Damon! - Pam 
It’s hard for Westerners to understand why these women would have turned to 
suicide martyrdom after being raped.

The Clash of Islam and Liberalism - Dr. Sam Vaknin

 Islam is not merely a religion. It is also - and perhaps, foremost - a state 
ideology. It is all-pervasive and missionary. It permeates every aspect of 
social cooperation and culture. It is an organizing principle, a narrative, a 

Understanding the Islamist Agenda and Negotiations - Douglas Farah
The differences with al Qaeda are cultural clashes and discomfort with the way 
the Arab forces treat the Taliban, but not over fundamental beliefs, tactics or 
strategy. A world under Sharia law, as understood by both groups, is a divine 
mandate and therefore not negotiable.

Javed ahmad Ghamdi’s attempts of reformation - Amar Khan 
There is a quote that “religion of one stage of people is the source of 
amusement of the next stage of people”. Every false belief that exists today is 
to die with the passage of time. Similarly, islam is to die its natural death 
but what we want actually is to accelerate its rate so that more bloodshed in 
the name of islam can be checked.

The Last Dance - Sher Khan
Sadly, Muslims, ignorant of Islam perceive Mohammed as the symbol of a perfect 
human, mentor of morality and the role model to follow. It’s fascinating how a 
person who snatched women and slept with them after killing their loved ones 
could become a paradigm of morals and ethics!

Defying Islamic Supremacism – We Are All Geert Wilders Now - Jeffrey Imm
A great man once warned that we “cannot sit idly by” and “not be concerned 
about what happens” in other places as injustice happens, equality is crushed, 
and liberties are threatened. He told us that: “Injustice anywhere is a threat 
to justice everywhere.

Shaming the Shameless Apologists of Islam-II Predestination in Islam - Ibrahim 
Of course modern or shall I say shallow Muslims who know absolutely nothing 
about their religion, and get their information from second hand sources 
vehemently deny Predestination, and brag that Allah has given the choice to 
every person to choose between Heaven and Hell.

In Islam there is no such thing as rape - Denis Schulz
Muslim Holy Scripture says women are like domestic animals and possess nothing 
themselves and Allah made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Qur’an 
(Tabari IX:113) But beat them lightly. Does that forbid water boarding?

Mosques in Europe – Where’s the Reciprocity? - Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman
President Obama mentioned reciprocity: mutual respect between Muslim world and 
America. Not much reciprocity in Europe, where some governments are already 
putting up white flags as clever Islamists attack their basic institutions. 

Wilders Prosecution is a Welcome Opportunity to Expose Islam - Sami Alrabaa

Prosecuting Geert Wilders, member of the Dutch Parliament, is a welcome 
opportunity to expose fascist Islam and radical Muslims. Wilders and his 
lawyers do not need to go far away to fetch crystal clear evidence that Islam, 
i..e. the Koran

Good Hate, Bad Love -  Amil Imani 
If you love the Islamic terror manual, the Quran, and what it perpetrates, 
that’s bad love. If you hate all the terrible things that Islam advocates and 
carries out, that’s good hate.

Hot topics being discussed at the FFI-Forum:

Students Intimidate Universities

KhaliL F vs Balls_of_Titanium1: Debate on Quran and Jews 

Age of marriage as per Quran 

A question for Muslims regarding : Jinn 

>From the Archives:

What Quran Teaches?   The intolerant teachings of Islam (Quranic verses)

More Islamic Pseudo-Science - By THHuxley, 2005/09/26

Miracle of Miracles - S Kamran Mirza

Symposium: Gender Apartheid and Islam - 2004/12/31

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