Innalillahi wa innailaihi rajiun.

Ronal Hutagalung dan keluarga mengucapkan turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya 
Omar Taraki Niode.
Semua Kisah dan Cerita yang disampaikan keluarga (Bu Amanda & Pak Mochtar) 
tentang Omar  membuat saya sangat terinspirasi untuk dapat menjadi lebih baik 
lagi sehingga dapat memberikan yang terbaik bagi masyarakat banyak sesegera 
mungkin, karena tidak satupun di antara manusia tahu kapan ajal akan mendekat..
Beliau "Omar" adalah sosok yang patut diteladani oleh generasi muda saat ini. 
sosok yang tentunya menjadi kebanggaan bagi teman, sahabat, keluarga, terutama 
orang tua.
Semoga seluruh Ibadah dan Niat baik beliau menjadi teman setianya di sisi 
dan bagi keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberikan Ke-Ikhlasan dan Ketabahan.

Salam hangat untuk keluarga Niode-Katili

Ronal Hutagalung

From: Amanda Katili <>
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 2:13:21 PM
Subject: [GM2020] In loving memory of our beloved son “Omar Taraki Niode”

It is with deep sadness and grief that we inform you of the passing away of our 
beloved son Omar Taraki Niode (24 years old) on Thursday 11 February 2008 in 
Jakarta, Indonesia.
We thank you, for your prayers and supports during this difficult time.
Omar Taraki Niode was born in Washington D.C on 1 April 1984. He finished his 
elementary school in Al-Azhar Kemang Jakarta Indonesia.  He graduated from Ojai 
Valley Middle School, California in 1998; and from Robert Louis Stevenson High 
School, Pebble Beach California, in 2002. 
Omar continued his education at the University of California Davis, paid his 
way through school by earning scholarships and working as a maintenance 
mechanic then as a teaching assistant and graduate student assistant. He 
received a BSc Degree in 2006 and an MSc Degree in 2008, both in Food Science 
and Technology with a master’s thesis “Insight into Asian and Hispanic 
Restaurant Manager’s Needs for Safe Food Handling.”
He was involved in many team and club sports during his high school and 
university days, including lacrosse, swimming, squash, and golf. Break dancing 
was the love of his life for many years. He liked watching break dancing 
competition and performed with friends in Davis, Jakarta and Barcelona..
Omar was most proud when he embarked upon asolo one month backpacking journey 
across Northern India after his undergraduate commencement. With a $600 
budgetOmar visited cities and hamlets inDelhi, Jaipur, Agra, Jhansi, Sanchi, 
Khajuraho, Varanasi, Bodhgaya and Kolkata.
Omar Taraki Niode was a fast leaner, wrote beautifully and loved leaning all 
kinds of new subjects. He played classical piano and jazz with skills and 
enthusiasms and amazed his friends with his magic performances.
After a brief stint at a company in Los Angeles, Omar decided to go home to 
Indonesia in November 2008 to be with his family because his grandfather just 
died.  He happily assisted his mother, Amanda, who is on the campaign trail for 
a seat in the Indonesian Parliament through the upcoming Indonesian Election 
set for 9 April 2009.
Omar was about to return to the United States on the 14th of February 2009 for 
a job interview in Woodland, California. He planned to visit Davis again to 
explore opportunities and applying for a PhD program. He dreamed of playing a 
significant role in the field of food science and technology and make the 
contributions he would like to Indonesia.
When asked what he wished to do, Omar said, “I would like to work in food 
safety, if I could make people safe I would be very happy and satisfied.”
His friends and family feel that there would be no better way to honor and 
celebrate his wonderful life than by supporting a Scholarship in his name at a 
University in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia, the place of his ancestors. The 
family also plans to set up a memorial library in the Province.
The fund being set up for “Omar Taraki Niode Scholarship" is intended to be 
used for an Endowed Scholarship, meaning that the earnings from investments 
made with the money will sustain the scholarship well into the future. 
Initial investment will come from Omar’s hard earned savings and all donations 
from colleagues, friends and families. We will have a scholarship in Omar's 
name that will go on and on. Each year, his name and short biography will be 
distributed amongst faculty, staff, and students at the University and the 
library, in addition to helping students with interests similar to Omar's.
Omar is survived by his father, Mochtar Niode; his mother, Amanda Katili Niode; 
his younger brother, Terzian Ayuba Niode; his younger sister, Karida Humaira 
Niode; as well as a grandmother and a number of uncles, aunties, and cousins.
Jakarta, 12 February 2009
Amanda & Mochtar Niode


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