--- On Wed, 10/28/09, Rita LESTARI <rita.lest...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Rita LESTARI <rita.lest...@gmail.com>
Subject: [teluktomini] Fwd: [Soseka19] Donasi komputer bekas (tanpa monitor) bagi organisasi sosial dan sekolah
To: "Teluk Tomini" <teluktom...@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 5:29 PM

Teman2 milis Teluk Tomini,
Berikut ada donasi komputer dari worldbank utk sekolah2 dan organisasi2 sosial. siapa yang ebrminat silahkan mendaftar sesuai persyaratan di bawah.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <madri...@worldbank.org>
Date: Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 6:24 PM
Subject: [Soseka19] Donasi komputer bekas (tanpa monitor) bagi organisasi sosial dan sekolah [2 Attachments]
To: sosek...@yahoogroups.com

[Attachment(s) from madri...@worldbank.org included below]


disampaikan kantor Bank Dunia Jakarta bermaksud mendonasikan 300 komputer (tanpa monitor) kepada organisasi sosial dan sekolah2.
Seandainya teman-teman tahun ada organisasi sosial dan sekolah yang berminat mendapatkan komputer tersebut mohon dapat mengirimkan proposalnya sebelum tanggal 6 Nopember 2009.
Dibawah ini informasi lengkapnya dan terlampir formulir yang dapat diisi untuk permohonan komputer tersebut.

Semoga bermanfaat.


----- Forwarded by Yogana Prasta/Person/World Bank on 10/28/2009 10:40 AM -----

          Budi S. Matondang

          10/22/2009 09:03 AM
          5781+3085 / 62-21-5299-3085 EACIF




The Cong Giang, Cheng-Swei Willy Tang, Rizaldy Gatdula


Donation of old office computers (without monitors) to charitable NGOs or schools - request for suggested beneficiaries
Dear Bapak/Ibu,

The World Bank offices in Indonesia have retired more than 300 desktop and notebook computers, a part of which are in Banda Aceh office. The retired computers are equipped with keyboard, mouse and a power cord, but without a monitor. They are in good condition, with Windows XP and Open Office installed. Technical specifications of the computers are available upon request.

The computers are ready for donation to charitable non-government organization (NGOs) and schools who may find them useful to support their charitable activities.

We are inviting proposals from organizations and schools to receive the computers. We encourage Banda Aceh area based organizations and schools to participate. Submitted proposals will be evaluated by a committee that will evaluate proposals according to defined selection criteria. If you recognize an organization that would benefit by acquiring the computers, please forward the attached file, to the organization's personnel. Information on this donation program, selection criteria, how to submit proposal, as well as proposal form is included in the file, written on Bahasa Indonesia. Completed proposal must be submitted no later than Friday, 6 November 2009.

PDF Format

(See attached file: DonasiKomputerWorldBank.pdf)

WORD Format

(See attached file: DonasiKomputerWorldBank.doc)

Queries on this matter should be directed to Carolyn F. Usmany (Lolo) at email address cusm...@worldbank.org or at phone number (021)5299-3000.

Thank you very much for your help in disseminating this program.

Budi S. Matondang
Tel: +62.21.5299-3085
World Bank Office, Jakarta

WBOJ - IT Support 'ext 4848 *itsupportindone...@worldbank.org

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