----- Forwarded Message ----
From: UN Millennium Campaign <i...@standagainstpoverty.org>
To: arbieba...@yahoo.com
Sent: Fri, February 26, 2010 5:03:50 AM
Subject: Stand Up and Take Action 2010

Stand Against Poverty  

When world leaders gather at the United Nations for the Millennium Development 
Goals (MDGs) Review Summit in September, the voices of their citizens will 
follow them, telling them, loudly and clearly: "We will no longer stay seated 
or silent in the face of poverty and the broken promises to end it!'
The demands and expectations of citizens across continents and countries, made 
visible and audible throughout 2010, will culminate in the "Stand Up 2010" 
mobilization. Stand Up 2010 will take place over three days beginning Friday 
September 17th till Sunday 19th. 
The MDG Review Summit offers us as MDG Campaigners, a unique opportunity to 
leverage and even influence the political and media focus surrounding the lead 
up to the meeting and the meeting itself. Moving Stand Up forward to the 
weekend before the Summit will allow us to drive our activities throughout the 
year towards a high-profile Stand Up mobilization with a direct link to and 
with the specific intention of impacting on the proceedings at the Summit 
itself. It will also allow us to focus our activities and work in 2010 towards 
a specific policy moment and to articulate clear and relevant policy demands 
based on what we want our various governments and delegations to do leading up 
to the Summit and what we expect them to achieve at the Summit itself.
The Dates
September 17th -19th, 2010: Three days of mobilization enabling all 
constituencies and anyone wanting to be a part of the mobilization to organize 
and participate in a wide range of events, relevant actions and initiatives to 
show their support for the achievement of the MDGs and have their voices heard 
articulating their demands for delegations attending the Summit.
Over this three day period, we are encouraging people and their organisations 
to continue to incorporate the Stand UP moment and pledge reading into their 
events and where relevant and possible to invite media to cover their events 
and initiatives. The Stand Up pledge will be adapted this year in line with the 
new timing to specifically reference the MDG Review Summit. As always, these 
pledges need to be adapted to incorporate relevant messaging for each 
participating organization or group.
One Day of Unified Global Action: Stand Up, Take Action, Make Noise for the 
September 18th, 2010 Stand Up, take Action, Make a Noise for the MDGs!: 
Adopting an idea that came out of the Africa Campaigners Retreat held in Malawi 
recently, throughout the day on the 18th, we will "Make Noise for the MDGs!"
We are encouraging people all over the world to take part in a common global 
action which is designed to grab public, political and media attention and to 
make sure that the global movement in support of the MDGs is seen and heard in 
every corner of the globe.
We hope to see widespread participation in this global action and are urging 
everybody to think of creative ways to generate a noise which is also relevant 
to their particular area or scope of work. Examples of noise- making ideas 
include citizens gathering in a public space to bang spoons on metal plates as 
a way of illustrating Hunger ; Church groups and temples could arrange for 
their church/temple bells to be rung at the same time on that date in cities 
across their country; local musicians could come together to play their 
instruments in innovative locations - African drummers on Mt. Kilimanjaro; the 
French National Orchestra from the top of the Eiffel Tower; football fans in 
South Africa blowing their local "Vuvuzelas(trumpets) at football matches that 
weekend. An online action allowing people to generate a noise through an online 
and mobile phone application will also be made available.
The possibilities for creative noise-making are vast and this action is 
accessible to all and easily adaptable to make it relevant and resonant. 
Counting and the Guinness World record
This year, due to the unique nature of Stand Up 2010, the UN Millennium 
Campaign will not be counting participants and we will not be tying this 
mobilization to the Guinness World Record. Although we won't be counting 
individuals, we will still be encouraging participants to let us know about 
their events, where they are happening, who is taking part and the desired 
outcomes. This will allow us to continue to message around the numbers of 
countries, number of events underlining the broad scope, levels of support, 
global participation and political impact of Stand Up 2010.
Thematic Focus and Desired Outcomes
The delivery to the Summit of an "MDG Breakthrough Plan" by each country has 
been agreed as a common outcome towards which we will be working throughout 
We will be demanding that regions and countries produce "Breakthrough Action 
Plans" and that these plans be presented, discussed and adopted as part of the 
outcomes at the Summit in September. The process of feeding into and shaping 
these "Breakthrough" plans will take place throughout the year, from January to 
June. Each national Campaign will define key moments throughout the year which 
can be leveraged at regional and national level to intervene and influence the 
process as well as to get the message out.
These plans must incorporate a strong focus on addressing accountability: from 
rich countries to poor countries (at the global level) and from governments to 
citizens (at national and local levels), on the issue of MDGs for all. The 
issue of inequality across all spectrums, including gender, spatial, ethnicity 
including indigenous people, caste and disability must also be addressed. In 
addition, these plans must include concrete proposals for overcoming 
implementation bottlenecks at the local level and allowing for citizen 
monitoring of both national and local government delivery of services. Rich 
country governments should deliver to the Summit ambitious plans with concrete 
timetables and deadlines to scale up aid efforts and improve its effectiveness 
according to the Accra Agenda of Action framework.
We should strive wherever possible to create relevant messaging for each 
national campaign based on a set of clear "citizen demands". But there are some 
common top line messages we can also include:
        * Breakthrough Action plans: We expect Heads of State of every country, 
rich and poor, to come to the MDG Review Summit with clear MDG Breakthrough 
Action Plans. These "Breakthrough Plans" should include approaches for scaling 
up and sustaining successful small scale strategies and approaches, explore 
innovative approaches to reaching the targets and design appropriate, relevant 
and specific strategies and interventions based on specific needs and 
circumstances. No more "business as usual" it's time for "business unusual".
        * Localising the MDGS: MDGs must be mainstreamed and integrated into 
local development plans; capacities of local authorities must be enhanced to 
prioritise MDGs and increase access to information and engagement between 
citizens and local authorities.
        * Accountability: These plans must incorporate a strong focus on 
addressing accountability of rich countries to poor countries (at the global 
level) and from governments to citizens (at the national and local levels), on 
the issue of MDGs for all. In turn, we should have a clear message and plan for 
holding them to this commitment and we should articulate this loudly and often. 
Citizens will be watching their governments and holding them accountable for 
their commitments over the next five years.
        * Goal 8: Rich countries should deliver to the Summit ambitious plans 
with concrete timetables and deadlines to scale up aid efforts. Rich countries 
must fulfill their existing aid commitments, deliver the 0.7 percent they have 
pledged and make sure it is in line with oft-agreed aid effectiveness 
principles, such as the Accra Agenda.
These plans should respect the policy space of poor countries and include 
accountability mechanisms for aid delivery including tracking and mechanisms 
for corrective action. In addition, the Summit outcome should include a 
pro-poor breakthrough on the Doha trade talks.
        * Inequality: The MDGs are for everybody. We will not accept inequality 
in any area be it gender, spatial, ethnic (including the rights of indigenous 
people and lower castes) or in relation to persons with disability.
        * MDGs Are Achievable: Much progress has been made in the last decade 
even in the poorest countries and most MDGs are still achievable in most 
countries, as long as policies and implementation mechanisms that are 
accountable to the poor are in place. In countries where governments have done 
the right thing, success has followed. If this expands and continues there is 
no reason why these successes cannot be repeated over the next five years.
        * 2010 is not the beginning of a "new and uncertain" voyage towards the 
MDGS: Rather, it is the "refueling' point on a voyage that has been ongoing for 
ten years - more than long enough to have seen that the MDGs work. The next 
five years are the final leg on that journey, what is needed is not a new set 
of plans, but implementation of clear plans to reach the originally agreed 
destination by 2015, building on the learning's of the first decade.
        * Power of the People: We as individuals acting together have the power 
to influence this process, but we must engage early and decisively to make this 
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