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-----Original Message-----
From: Iqbal <>
Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 02:42:13 
Subject: [GM2020] Fwd: [alumni-ppij] Weekend joke

Selingan di akhir pekan, berikut joke dari milis dikampung, very funny.. :)


Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

​First day of school in an American high school in Washington DC. The
teacher introduces the new kid, Suzuki Yamaguchi from Japan to the
rest of the class. As the class start, the teacher says:

"Let's start with a small quiz in American history". Who said "Freedom
or death?" Suddenly silence and only Suzuki raises his hand:

"Patrick Henry, 1775. in Philadelphia."

"Very good Suzuki". And who said: "The nation is it's people and as
such can never die?"

Suzuki raises his hand again:

"Abraham Lincoln, 1863, Washington."

The teacher looks at her students and says:

"Shame on you, Suzuki is a Japanese and know American history better than you."

A silent voice from the back of the class:

"Go f*ck yourselves, sh*tty Japanese"

"Who said that!?", yells the teacher.

Suzuki raises his hand and says:

"General MacArthur, 1942, Guadalcanalu, and Lee Iacocca 1982 at the
Chrysler management board meeting, Detroit."

The class is in silence and you can again hear a silent voice:

"Suck my c*ck!!!"

The teacher is furious:

"I've had enough. Who said that?"


"Bill Clinton to Monica Levinsky, Oval Office, 1997 in Washington."

Another voice yells:

"Suzuki is sh*t!"


"Valentino Rossi in Rio de Janeiro at the Brazil moto Grand-Prix in 2002."

The class goes wild, the teacher starts crying, and in walks to the
school Principal she said:

"What the hell is going on?, I am going to quit !!"


"Sri Mulyani, Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2010 when KPK
auditors were in her office."


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