Wanu  "tanggilingo" wolo depenisi lio..

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-----Original Message-----
From: Yayu Arifin <yayujahjaari...@yahoo.co.id>
Sender: gorontalomaju2020@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 20:27:58 
To: <gorontalomaju2020@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: gorontalomaju2020@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: Bls: [GM2020] Re: [milis-UNG] FSB di hari ke-3 (rabu)/Depinisi lo 

Depinisi lo tanggi yito kira 2 dalalo taluhu yang lobih kocil dari dutula. 

Duluo tanggi torkonal to kota tanggi daaa wau tanggi kiki 
Kobotulan UNG boyito lodehu towolotiyo. 

Woluo olo dalalo taluhe (hulantalo liyo tanggi) monto panggimba to utara 
mongalir ko solatan boyito (kobotulan) mongalir to antara lo lab fisika, kimia 
dan gedung kuliah. Sobolumnya  ambahu timuru lo  kantor pusat. 

--- Pada Rab, 26/5/10, titien mohammad <titien...@yahoo.com> menulis:

Dari: titien mohammad <titien...@yahoo.com>
Judul: Re: Bls: [GM2020] Re: [milis-UNG] FSB di hari ke-3 (rabu)
Kepada: gorontalomaju2020@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 26 Mei, 2010, 6:59 PM



      its a common problem anywhere in Gorontalo.. :((((
 Titien FM         

From: "lahi...@gmail. com" <lahi...@gmail. com>
To: gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 7:53:54 PM
Subject: Re: Bls: [GM2020] Re:
 [milis-UNG] FSB di hari ke-3 (rabu)



Mohon maaf, di kampus jo o tanggi...

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®From:  Yayu Arifin <yayujahjaarifin@ yahoo.co. 
Sender:  gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 19:48:48 +0800 (SGT)To: <gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. 
com>ReplyTo:  gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Bls: [GM2020] Re: [milis-UNG] FSB di hari ke-3 (rabu)


      delo woluo WC umum ?, setiap acara perlu dipikirkan juga pembuangan. 
Bolo wolou ta paralu molapi dia paralu molapi totanggi. 

--- Pada Rab, 26/5/10, titien mohammad <titien...@yahoo. com> menulis:

Dari: titien mohammad <titien...@yahoo. com>
Judul: [GM2020] Re: [milis-UNG] FSB di hari ke-3 (rabu)
Kepada: u...@yahoogroups. com, gorontalomaju2020@ yahoogroups. com
Tanggal: Rabu, 26 Mei, 2010, 5:47 PM


      Thank you all..

Jangan lupa malam ini ada atraksi Jugling dari Pariwisata and Gorontalo tempo 
doeloe by Bahasa Indonesia.. Potala ja didi

Ada mini bar juga .. For sure its not alcohol drink.. heheheh.. sambil 
menikmati atraksi Jugling bisa duduk bersila di corner of our stand cos we 
provide reading corner dengan nove novel, puisi2 dan cerpen karya mahasiswa 
sastra Indonesia sambil makan jagung bakar yg disediakan mahasiswa B. Inggris. 
Tp yang terakhir tidak gratis waaa.. heheheh..
 Titien FM         

 "m...@ung.ac.id" <m...@ung.ac.id>
To: u...@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 9:09:59 AM
Subject: Re: [milis-UNG] FSB di hari ke-3 (rabu)


      kita harus jadi contoh seperti FSB, karena latar nbelakang seni curahan 
jiwa yang mengandung keindahan, benar indah tetapi tidak cantik dalam arah 

2010/5/26  <a...@ung.ac. id>




Hiduppp Pepu...

☺ ☺ ☺  

Mampir juga di stand Fatek samping FSB...

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®From:  titien mohammad <titien...@yahoo. com>
Sender:  u...@yahoogroups. com
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 16:50:07 -0700 (PDT)To: <u...@yahoogroups. com>ReplyTo:  
u...@yahoogroups. com
Subject: [milis-UNG] FSB di hari ke-3 (rabu)



Dear all
As usual we invite you to visit FSB stand on wednesday ( the 3rd Day) at UNG 

Programs for Wednesday :

- Olah rasa/ tubuh ( how to dance well ) by Sendratasik department at 10 - 11.30
- English for Children by English Department with SD Lab UNG at 4 - 5 pm
- Jugling by Tourism Department at 7 - 21 pm
- As usual Art performance in front of the exhibition stand by Indonesian 
department with the theme Gorontalo tempo doeloe

Looking forward for your visit

Ps. Hope there will no black out again..  jamate tohe.. lucky.. FSB terang 
terus, terus terang.. heheheheh... wanu dila bo pameran modiolomo.. mamodelo 




















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