Toni Braxton, Un Break my heart..

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-----Original Message-----
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 23:56:42 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [GM2020] Fw: Robin's 73 Best Business and Success Lessons +WAGUB 

Toni uloli pak bakri
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-----Original Message-----
From: Bakri Arbie <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 16:32:05 
To: <>; <>; 
<>; Families Arbie<>; 
<>; Hpmig Jaya<>
Subject: [GM2020] Fw: Robin's 73 Best Business and Success Lessons +WAGUB 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: bakri arbie <>
To: Agus Lahinta <>;; Syafrudin Mosii 
<>; Dr.Deddy Kurniadi <>;; Razif Halik <>; Omar 
Trigantara <>;; arbie bakri 
<>; Bp Asri Arbie <>; Ardi Sutedja K. 
<>; Asmir Agoes <>;; Thamrin Usman <>; Angky 
Pedju <>
Sent: Thu, August 5, 2010 6:27:16 AM
Subject: Fw: Robin's 73 Best Business and Success Lessons +WAGUB GORONTALO di 
RRI ttg UKM.

Yth Rekan milis,

Pagi ini 5 Agustus 2010,saya mendengar RRI tentang wawancara Wagub Propinsi 
Gorontalo tentang UKM.
Suatu interaksi yang bagus sudah dimulai dari pihak Pemda,merupakan sesuatu 
sangat strategis.
Biasanya sulit membangunkan Pemda dengan aparatnya.
Suatu awal dari Triple Helix ABG bisa dimulai,karena Wagub dengan Dinas dan 
Perbankan sudah hadir dalam wawancara RRI tersebut.
Sudah terungkap bagaimana KUR (Kredit Usaha Rakyat ) belum jalan di daerah 
,sehingga kita bisa berupaya untuk memperbaikinya.Satu langkah lagi untuk maju.
Tinggal sekarang bagaimana Perguruan Tinggi dengan para Akademisi dan mahasiswa 
bisa menjadi simpul
teknologi yang sudah ada di Indonesia ini untuk menyalurkannya melalui jalur 
Kuliah Kerja Nyata melalui kerjasama dengan pihak  Pemda.
Banyak hasil teknologi tepat guna yang belum termanfaatkan berada di laci atau 
di laboraotorium lembaga LITBANG di Indonesia.
Kalau semua Gubernur atau Wagub seperti yang dicontohkan di Gorontalo,maka 
cita-cita Bung Sandy Uno sewaktu di HIPMI untuk mencapai 4 juta UKM di 
bisa segera tercapai.
Artinya 32 juta orang (asumsi 8 pekerja per UKM) yang bisa bekerja dan bisa 
mulai mendidik anaknya,kesehatan keluarganya dll sehingga bisa menciptakan 
rakyat yang lebih sejahtera dan damai sesuai dengan cita-cita Prolamasi 45.
Bravo bagi Wagub H.Nani Uloli ,semoga senantiasa sehat dan sukses dalam 

Salam Hormat,
Bakri Arbie.
Anggota Deklarator A-SINTA; Asosiasi Sistem Inovasi Nasional untuk Tanah Air.

-----  Forwarded Message ----
From: Robin Sharma <>
To: Bakri Arbie <>
Sent: Wed, August 4, 2010 10:25:30 PM
Subject: Robin's 73 Best Business and Success Lessons

Robin  Sharma - FastLeadership - Registration on Wed May 27th  


The 73 Best Lessons I've Learned for Leadership Success in Business and Life 
By Robin Sharma, author of the international bestseller "The Leader Who Had No 

Hi There, 

I'm skiing in South America but have also been doing a lot of thinking. I 
to thank you for all your kind support of my work. So I have summarized the 73 
best ideas/insights/lessons I've learned for winning in business and life 
I hope they help you. And I hope you'll share them with others who will benefit 
from them. Again, thanks for supporting my mission to help people in 
organizations around the world Lead Without a Title. I'm grateful. 


        * You can really Lead Without a Title.

        * Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what 
to do. 

        * Give away what you most wish to receive. 

        * The antidote to stagnation is innovation. 

        * The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you 
most need 
to be having. 

        * Leadership is no longer about position - but passion. It's no longer 
image but impact. This is Leadership 2.0.

        * The bigger the dream, the more important to the team. 

        * Visionaries see the "impossible" as the inevitable. 

        * All great thinkers are initially ridiculed - and eventually revered. 

        * The more you worry about being applauded by others and making money, 
the less 
you'll focus on doing the great work that will generate applause. And make you 

        * To double your net worth, double your self-worth. Because you will 
exceed the height of your self-image. 

        * The more messes you allow into your life, the more messes will become 
normal (and acceptable) part of your life. 

        * The secret to genius is not genetics but daily practice married with 
relentless perseverance. 

        * The best leaders lift people up versus tear people down. 

        * The most precious resource for businesspeople is not their time. It's 
energy. Manage it well. 

        * The fears you run from run to you. 

        * The most dangerous place is in your safety zone. 

        * The more you go to your limits, the more your limits will expand. 

        * Every moment in front of a customer is a gorgeous opportunity to live 

        * Be so good at what you do that no one else in the world can do what 
you do. 

        * You'll never go wrong in doing what is right. 

        * It generally takes about 10 years to become an overnight sensation. 

        * Never leave the site of a strong idea without doing something to 
around it. 

        * A strong foundation at home sets you up for a strong foundation at 

        * Never miss a moment to encourage someone you work with. 

        * Saying "I'll try" really means "I'm not really committed." 

        * The secret of passion is purpose. 

        * Do a few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity. 

        * To have the rewards that very few have, do the things that very few 
are willing to do. 

        * Go where no one's gone and leave a trail of excellence behind you. 

        * Who you are becoming is more important than what you are 

        * Accept your teammates for what they are and inspire them to become 
all they 
can be. 

        * To triple the growth of your organization, triple the growth of your 

        * The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books 
Investing in your self-development is the best investment you will ever make.

        * Other people's opinions of you are none of your business. 

        * Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best 
at the 

        * Measure your success by your inner scorecard versus an outer one. 

        * Understand the acute difference between the cost of something and the 
of something. 

        * Nothing fails like success. Because when you are at the top, it's so 
easy to 
stop doing the very things that brought you to the top.

        * The best leaders blend courage with compassion. 

        * The less you are like others, the less others will like you. 

        * You'll never go wrong in doing what's right. 

        * Excellence in one area is the beginning of excellence in every area. 

        * The real reward for doing your best work is not the money you make 
but the 
leader you become. 

        * Passion + production = performance. 

        * The value of getting to your goals lives not in reaching the goal but 
the talents/strengths/capabilities the journey reveals to you.

        * Stand for something. Or else you'll fall for anything. 

        * Say "thank you" when you're grateful and "sorry" when you're wrong. 

        * Make the work you are doing today better than the work you did 

        * Small daily - seemingly insignificant - improvements and innovations 
lead to 
staggering achievements over time. 

        * Peak performers replace depletion with inspiration on a daily basis. 

        * Take care of your relationships and the sales/money will take care of 

        * You can't be great if you don't feel great. Make exceptional health 
your #1 

        * Doing the difficult things that you've never done awakens the talents 
never knew you had. 

        * As we each express our natural genius, we all elevate our world. 

        * Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values. 

        * People do business with people who make them feel special. 

        * All things being equal, the primary competitive advantage of your 
will be your ability to grow Leaders Without Titles faster than your industry 

        * Treat people well on your way up and they'll treat you well on your 
way down. 

        * Success lies in a masterful consistency around a few fundamentals. It 
is simple. Not easy. But simple. 

        * The business (and person) who tries to be everything to everyone ends 
being nothing to anyone. 

        * One of the primary tactics for enduring winning is daily learning. 

        * To have everything you want, help as many people as you can possibly 
find get 
everything they want. 

        * Understand that a problem is only a problem if you choose to view it 
as a 
problem (vs. an opportunity). 

        * Clarity precedes mastery. Craft clear and precise 
And then block out all else. 

        * The best in business spend far more time on learning than in leisure. 

        * Lucky is where skill meets persistence. 

        * The best Leaders Without a Title use their heads and listen to their 

        * The things that are hardest to do are often the things that are the 
best to 

        * Every single person in the world could be a genius at something, if 
practiced it daily for at least ten years (as confirmed by the research of 
Anders Ericsson and others).

        * Daily exercise is an insurance policy against future illness. The 
Leaders Without Titles are the fittest. 

        * Education is the beginning of transformation. Dedicate yourself to 
learning via books/audios/seminars and coaching.

        * The quickest way to grow the sales of your business is to grow your 

Robin Sharma is the bestselling author of "The Leader Who Had No Title:  A 
Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and Life." Buy it now.
Sharma Leadership International, 92 Scollard Street, Toronto, Ontario M5R1G2, 

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