Mungkin penyelesainnya simpel kali ya Pak Iqbal, jika sistem dari atas
sampai bawah berjalan sesuai dengan fungsinya dan bersih dari "PungLi",
maka semuanya akan baik-baik saja.

Mungkin ada wakil rakyat di milist ini yang lebih tahu penyelesainnya?
Tulisan hanya sekedar curhatan  [:)] .


--- In, iqbal makmur <kaizen...@...>
> Tulisan ibu Sri dibawah saya kira patut didiskusikan,  Pertanyaannya
> bagaimana hukum memberikan uang pada pengemis yang katanya banyak yang
> terorganisir dan profesional. Apakah kita harus mengikuti anjuran
> untuk menyerahkan uang kita ke lembaga2 amal yang ada yang katanya
> mengambil keuntungan pribadi dengan berkedok legal charity?
> Iqbal
> Yogyakarta
> ________________________________
> From: joustin0708 jen...@...
> To:
> Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 12:33:20 AM
> Subject: [GM2020] Beware, They're Fake Homeless...
> "Don't give your money to them,  they're fake!" She warned me in a
> expression on her face and  with a bit persuade tunes on her voice.
The fact is
> she's not the first  person told me not to give money to any homeless,
> anywhere place I  go. Well, isn't that a bit a 'punishment' of
campaign for
> homeless?,  particularly only to give a penny of yours to some unlucky
people on
> the  road?
> But I gotta tell you the truth  that this 'punishment' of champaign is
> supported by some local  goverment regions in Indonesia. "Don't spend
your money
> to them -- Give  it to a legal charity" says an ads tense on a big
board hang on
> along of  the main road with a picture of homeless. A question in my
mind when I
> read that big ads, and perhaps, you might ask this question too: "What
kinds of
> legal charity they aim to?"
> Because I never known regarding a  legal charity in Indonesia, or
maybe I'm the
> only one who   misinformation about this. Or, should I share my story
> a  charity where I worked with a couple of years ago? Maybe I should
> I was working in a charity which  the owner possess a title 'Hajjah'
*when a
> woman goes to Mekkah to do  the fifth of the pillar of the Islam,
she'll be
> titled a 'Hajjah'* The  charity had registered legally at local
goverment ---
> the registration  number was mentioned on the board of the front of
> office, to  ensure people that the charity wasn't fake. Everything
regarding the
> charity intitution was proceed due procedure. From the very beginning,
I  was
> already uncomfortable with the situation i.e. the building shared 
with where
> her big family lived. Yet, her sons in law were unemployeed;  and
together with
> her husband she ran the charity. And from some  surrounded people told
me that
> the owner didn't really help slummer.
> However I kept working with them  until 1 month as that was my
experience as
> fresh graduate. And then I  decided to resign when I found that they
make a
> charity to make money  for themselves.
> I know we can't take them all in  the same level as a bad one, but
tell me the
> truth what's not difficult  to posses and make something in Indonesia?
even for
> something that  legally? And yet, how about the rumours about making
> between  the charity and the local goverment?
> Anyway, back to the point...
> Its just simply situation:  they're homeless, no home, no food, no
money --- and
> I just want to give  my Rp 5,000 to them --- Do you think I should
give my Rp
> 5,000 to  charity first, and then waiting the charity to give to them?
Is that
> the  right way to do?
> OR, I heard what you said: "  They have a boss, group, or rich, or
> bla....."
> When a 9-year-old begged her  hands with innocently gaze at me, her
> long-unwashed- and untidy hair,  smelly, and skinny body asked me
money while I
> sat with two friends of  mine in a Lesehan Yogya, and surrounded by
loads of
> nice foods.
> Should I ignore her by telling  her: "Listen, I'm a good citizen, I
want you to
> ask money to a charity  where my money give with" -----  ???? --- Or
"Listen, I
> don't trust you.  You must have a boss" ---- ???? ----
> I think we need grow up soon  before this earth ends up by too many
> people..... (Sri Agustiani).
> JKT, 23.55-110810

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