On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Jeff Breidenbach wrote
wrt http://www.mail-archive.com/ :

> Recent changes have been mostly behind the scenes. Here's some of
> the highlights that haven't been mentioned yet on gossip:
>   a) Improved spam filtering on the archives. Unfortunately there's
>      so much junk flying around the internet that we had to get 
>      a little more serious at filtering the archival inbox.

On my lists I still find that requiring posts to come from subscribed
addresses keeps virtually all spam from being distributed. I've had
very few if any instances of spammers subscribing to a list to spam it.
Does mail-archive.com archive lists to which anyone can post?
The ISP that hosts my lists has filtering (greylisting) that keeps most
spam to my big list ** from getting thru to where I have to look at it
on the reject page (where messages from non subscribed addresses go).

As one last precaution I have new subscribers first messages moderated
(sent to the reject page) so I'd catch a subscribed spammer's first
message.  This has the added advantage of catching some "please
unsubscribe me" messages from people who never post anything else.

** http://www.cohousing.org/cohousing-L/ (~150 msg/month;  ~500 subs -
admittedly higher than average on civility scale due topic )

-- Advertising on mail-archive.com --
Regretable that you have to have it but it's more tolerable than yahoo's.
With my browser (Mozilla 1.4.1) the ads occasionally prevet the last few
characters of a message line from being displayed. Example, in:
The end of the third line on my display reads
   Gurban to be described as "not as qualifie
Curiously when I copied and pasted the line into this message
the d" were there...

I did see one ad for what appeared to be lists "b2b" addresses to be
solicited (spammed) - sorry I did not keep track of specifics.

-- misc --

The list name link in the upper left corner of a message page and of index
pages bring up an index page.  Such a link on index pages is pretty
useless, it would be much better to link to the lists "info page" (I think
all lists should and most do have these) which in turn has description of
list, subscription info etc. Are there links somewhere to contact info
for archived lists?

Lastly why is does this list have the meaningless name and subject line
tag "gossip"? How about changing the tag to be something like "mailarc"
and putting something in message footers like "Mail Archive talk"


Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
Communications for Justice - My new listserv org.       UU, Linux
My Link Page: http://fholson.cohousing.org       Ham radio:WB0YQM
fholson at cohousing.org   612-588-9532   (7am-10pm Central time)

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