The Mail Archive will be participating in SOPA Blackout Day. On January
18th, 2012 we will be dark.

The Stop Online Piracy Act H.R.3261 (and PIPA, its sister bill S.968) is a
proposed United States law, please read it yourself. The basic goal of the
bills is to censor all access to non-US websites involved with copyright
violation. We feel there are some fundamental flaws with the proposed

Lawrence Tribe, a Harvard Constitutional Law Professor points out

1) "Although SOPA's supporters have described the bill as directed at
"foreign rogue websites," the definitions in the bill are not in fact
limited to foreign sites or to sites engaged in egregious piracy."

2) "To compound the problem, SOPA provides that a complaining party can
file a notice alleging that it is harmed by the activities occurring on the
site "or portion thereof." Conceivably, an entire website containing tens
of thousands of pages could be targeted if only a single page were accused
of infringement."

3) "In effect, the bill would impose the very monitoring obligation that
existing law (in the form of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998)
expressly does not require. SOPA would undo the statutory framework that
has created the foundation for many web-based businesses."

As a public email archival service, we are very aware and appreciative of
America's long history of free speech. We don't usually feel like a cog in
a censorship machine. Except for the 153 deletion requests from list
administrators, 4 DMCA takedown notices, and 36 suppression actions by
global internet search engines in 2011. That's on a corpus of 100+ million
messages. Now imagine getting sued or criminally prosecuted for a message
that links to some shady portion of the internet? Or when someone forwards
a copyrighted article to a mailing list? The Mail Archive has proudly
provided archival service for 14 years. But in the end, we are a three
person, part-time small business. If SOPA passes, each of us will have to
think: We have families. The risk looks enormous.

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