#109: represent PCORI CDM terminology as i2b2 metadata
 Reporter:  rwaitman      |       Owner:  dconnolly
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  accepted
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  initial-data-domains
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  89
 Blocking:  145, 146      |
Changes (by dconnolly):

 * cc: mhoag, ngraham, campbell, hhickman (removed)
 * cc: gpc-dev@… (added)
 * blocking:  145 => 145, 146


 reducing scope of this ticket; see #145, #146 for other parts.

 "approximate a popmednet query by an i2b2 query" should probably be its
 own ticket too, but until we have an example query (#143) it's hardly
 worth the bother.

Ticket URL: 
gpc-informatics <http://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/>
Greater Plains Network - Informatics
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