#146: map CDM-in-i2b2 to existing i2b2 data and/or ontologies
 Reporter:  dconnolly    |       Owner:  ngraham
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  initial-data-domains
Component:  data-stds    |  Resolution:
 Keywords:               |  Blocked By:  109
 Blocking:  144          |

Comment (by dconnolly):

 Nathan, how about moving this decode(...) stuff to the local heron mapping
 layer? There's nothing that constrains all GPC sites to use these codes.

 /* Transform i2b2 star schema to CDM (#145). This should work across all
 GPC sites.
 In fact, it should be shareable with SCHILS too.
     -- Decode sex - default is 'NI'=No Information
   , decode(sex_cd, 'u', 'UN', 'm', 'M', 'f', 'F', '@', 'NI', 'NI') sex

 p.s. I was going to add this as an issue in
 [https://bitbucket.org/njgraham/pcori-annotated-data-dictionary/ the code
 repo]; what do you think about turning on the issue tracker there?

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