
As discussed, I'm forwarding to gpc-dev to continue the conversation regarding 
entries in the CDM diagnosis table with no diagnosis code (see ticket 
144<> and Annotated 
Data Dictionary 

I've created a bug report: "Diagnosis Table includes many encounters with no 
  From just a quick look, it appears that we have many rows with NULL diagnosis 
at KU as well - I think I may want a join rather than a left join as you 

Anyone can create issues (or at least that was my intent when configuring the 
BitBucket account).  I like feedback and want everyone to feel free to report 
issues or add comments, etc.  I wonder if it just adds more confusion to use 
the BitBucket bug tracker and also have the ticket on<>.
  I guess we'll see how it goes...




From: Phillip Reeder []
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 10:10 AM
To: Nathan Graham
Subject: i2b2 to PCORI
Importance: High

On line 418 of the CDM_transform.sql, you do a left join of the encounter table 
to the diagnosis.  For me, this is creating a ton of encounters that don't have 
an associated diagnosis.  I haven't tracked down why that is the case yet, but 
I'm guessing it has to do with some of our fake encounters we generate, along 
with unsynced encounters between systems and such.

Should this be a join instead  a left join, or possibly revers the order so 
that it is diagnosis left join encounter?  That way we would ensure that all 
rows had a non-null diagnosis.

And if for some reason, an encounter/visit didn't exist for the row, the 
diagnosis would still show up.



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