#182: Complete LOINC standardization of CDM V1 and share metadata with GPC
  Reporter:  campbell    |      Owner:  hickman
      Type:              |     Status:  new
  enhancement            |  Milestone:  morning-star
  Priority:  major       |   Keywords:  Data standardization, common data
 Component:  data-stds   |  model
Blocked By:              |   Blocking:
 Shortly after I left for vacation, I received response from Regenstrief
 with the additional LOINC codes that were needed for standardization of
 CDM V1.  I have attached a spreadsheet with LOINC coding for CDM V1.
 Hubert and Mike will deploy the rest of the metadata at Nebraska and issue
 a shared copy on Babel for all GPC members to employ.

Ticket URL: <http://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/182>
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