I'm working through the official GPC 
code (thanks Nathan G) for transforming and loading NAACCR data and I have a 
question regarding the way the I2B2 Start_Date is derived.

In naaccr_txform.sql, the tumor_item_value view is created with the start_date 
field filled with date info from any date-formatted field, like date of 
diagnosis, date of birth, etc.  The concept code is null.

Then the tumor_reg_facts view is created from merging naaccr.extract with the 
tumor_ item_value view.  Net result is a lot of rows  in tumor_reg_facts with a 
start_date field filled in, but with blank concept codes, each row representing 
a date field from the same NAACCR tumor record.

All the fact table fields including start date appear to be filled in 
accurately, so I'm mostly wondering what happens to those records with blank 
concept codes.  The naaccr_facts_load.sql script doesn't appear to address them.

So, do those concept-less fact table records serve some purpose, or are they 
just plucked out later?  I hope this doesn't seem like nitpicking.  As an I2B2 
newbie I just want to make sure I'm not missing something.  Thanks.

Patrick Lenon
HIMC Informatics Specialist
608 890 5671

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