Please find the agenda for the dev-call tomorrow (12/9) at 11a.m. below:

1.       Convene, take roll, review records and plan next meeting

a.       Meeting ID and access code: 686-845-717; call +1 (267) 507-0008

b.      Meeting notes (#12): Dec 2 notes OK?

c.       Today's scribe: Susan at UTSW

d.      Roll: all 10 DevTeams represented? KUMC, CMH, UIOWA, WISC, MCW, MCRF, 

e.      Comments on the agenda?

f.        next meeting: Dec 16. Scribe volunteer?

g.       Trac update

   Closed tickets: 
#166<> PMN at UW, 
#173<> REDCap at each 
site for ALS, #156<> 
abuse of open reg in trac, 
#87<> deploy/doc r 
data builder, #165<> 
PMN at UTSW , #139<> 
insurance status, 
#172<> UMN cancer 
tumor registry...

h.      Thu-Fri 22-23 Jan 2015 in San Antonio HackathonTwo

   Reminder: fill out the attendance survey

2.       #176<> 
implement data validation and quality approaches (PMO milestone 206) - update 
from Tom/due date is 12/9.

3.       #202<> 
Deploy Data builder - status/estimate from each site to implement

4.       #33<> Obesity 
Cohort Identification Query - update from Alex

a.       Solicit two volunteers to be next up

5.       DSSNI/PopMedNet queries in Mid-December - email from 12/3/14

6.       Non-agenda items as requested


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