#202: Deploy Data Builder at each GPC site
 Reporter:  dconnolly             |       Owner:  dconnolly
     Type:  task                  |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                 |   Milestone:  bc-survey-cohort-def
Component:  data-sharing          |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  breast-cancer-cohort  |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:                        |

Comment (by huhickman):

 I have it installed our i2b2 instance here at UNMC. The plugin duly
 generate requests and if I process the request by hand:

 rito-clar-deid cdr2edc # LOGNAME=databuilder extract_password=XXXXX
 /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ./dfbuilder.py ../deploy/test.conf

 2015-01-15 02:04:12,702 INFO    engine.url.URL(extract_password=...,
 drivername=..., host=..., port=..., database=..., username=...,
 2015-01-15 02:04:12,761 INFO    dataset DB:
 2015-01-15 02:04:12,766 INFO    exporting: 2 concepts from #2175 Breas-30
 [-0440 @02:00:54 [1-15-2015] [databuilder] [PATIENTSET_2175]
 2015-01-15 02:04:12,766 INFO    initializing tables in
 2015-01-15 02:04:12,783 DEBUG   dest_star tables: ['observation_fact',
 'modifier_dimension', 'visit_dimension', 'concept_dimension',


 2015-01-15 02:04:56,116 INFO    data summary:
 Variable                                 N. Patient    N. Obs.
 Language [607,674 facts; 303,837 patient        374        748
 0390 Date of Diagnosis [8,654 facts; 8,1        374        424
 0400 Primary Site [8,654 facts; 8,107 pa        374        848
 0410 Laterality [8,654 facts; 8,107 pati        374        424
 0440 Grade [8,653 facts; 8,106 patients]        374        424
 0490 Diagnostic Confirmation [8,654 fact        374        424
 0521 Morph--Type&Behav ICD-O-3 [7,691 fa        338        383
 0820 Regional Nodes Positive [8,589 fact        374        424
 0830 Regional Nodes Examined [8,589 fact        374        424
 2850 CS Mets at DX [6,682 facts; 6,221 p        372        422
 2860 CS Mets Eval [6,862 facts; 6,393 pa        372        422

 <.... more logging of the rest of the breast cancer elements....>


 The end result is :
 -rw------- 1 root root 6.7M Jan 15 02:04 BCS_for_GPC.db

 I did install this with a Python 2.7 distribution (not wanting to mess
 with the CentOS stock 2.6 on our server)....

 I still need to clean things up but we're operational enough to generate

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