#205: interim builder for breast cancer cohort summary
 Reporter:  dconnolly             |       Owner:  huhickman
     Type:  enhancement           |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                 |   Milestone:  bc-survey-cohort-def
Component:  data-sharing          |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  breast-cancer-cohort  |  Blocked By:  32, 204
 Blocking:                        |

Comment (by bos):

 Replying to [comment:10 dconnolly]:
 > Replying to [comment:9 bokov]:
 > > If in ours, the `variable` and `job` tables are blank, will that
 interfere with your being able to extract our data for the purposes of the
 breast cancer cohort selection?
 > I expect we can do without `job`, but we rely in `variable`.
 > It's computable from the XML definition of your query. By design,
 everybody is using **exactly** the same query (#204), so we can just copy
 it from another data file. But it's reasonably important to be sure.
 > If you do a timeline of your results, you can use `timeline_to_job.py`
 (from the databuilder code) to compute a JSON file with the relevant
 details. With a little tweaking to not look for a patient set id, it would
 probably work on an XML query definition. Then see `export_terms()` in
 `dfbuilder.py` for how we get the data into the variable table. It might
 be easier to just write your own 50 line script; or perhaps I could factor
 the relevant parts out. I think the relationship between the query
 definition and the variable table is pretty straightforward.
 > If necessary, just give me the XML query definition that you ran and
 I'll compute it.


 We had some i2b2 issues, so we had to build run the query manually, then
 convert it to sqlite. Hence, hence our job and variable tables are empty.

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