Hello again all,
In building  NAACCR concepts via my modified versions of KUMC's 
naaccr_txform.sql and naaccr_concepts_load.sql, I'm producing concepts and 
facts for each  value of both Accession No. and Hospital Sequence No.  This 
seems unnecessary, since I can't see accession number being part of a 
researcher's query, not to mention possible de-identification issues.

So, my questions are:

1)      Is this actually the correct outcome?

2)      Assuming it isn't, did I miss a step where these two fields (or their 
section, 6 Hospital-Specific) are filtered out of the fact and concept builds?  
I'd expect that to be in the definition of the "big flat view" aka 

Awaiting your input eagerly.

Patrick Lenon
HIMC Informatics Specialist
608 890 5671

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