#238: March QA Query
 Reporter:  mish          |       Owner:  jvanschyndle@…
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  data-quality3
Component:  data-quality  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  data-quality  |  Blocked By:  193
 Blocking:  232           |

Comment (by mish):

 I'm more than happy to decouple this and #193.

 From the original query we're also going to drop both the zip code as
 unwieldy and the religion as irrelevant to the existing CDM and GPC

 The conversation as it stands right now is what to use as a standard for
 the Concept_Path. There are two different standards we could follow as
 listed in Babel, the GPC and the PCORI. It doesn't appear to us that
 either one these is being particularly rigorously adhered to if we look at
 somethign simple like "weight" within Babel. This is something that needs
 discussion and agreement as we move forward.

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