#295: breast cancer correspondence between EHR and tumor registry variables -
i2b2 query
  Reporter:  dconnolly     |      Owner:  dconnolly
      Type:  enhancement   |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major         |  Milestone:  cohort-char1
 Component:  data-sharing  |   Keywords:  breast-cancer-cohort
Blocked By:                |   Blocking:
 A major goal of cohort characterization is comparing signals from
 different sources.

 The obvious signal to compare is breast cancer diagnosis. We didn't get
 breast cancer DX from from the EMR in the 1st data pull (#204), so let's
 do another.

 ''promoting from ticket:265#comment:7 to its own ticket''

Ticket URL: <http://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/295>
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