#285: HbA1c and other laboratory data: data quality check, CDM ETL
 Reporter:  dconnolly             |       Owner:  mish
     Type:  enhancement           |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                 |   Milestone:  bariatric-study-data
Component:  data-stds             |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  data-quality cdm-etl  |  Blocked By:  158
 Blocking:  291                   |

Comment (by dconnolly):

 I'm trying to add a report on this to our
 [https://redcap.gpcnetwork.org/redcap_v6.2.2/index.php?pid=19 qa redcap
 project] about labs such as A1c, but I can't find the relevant variable.

 Or have plans changed since early June? (ticket:291#comment:4) Should I
 wait 'till next quarter for this feature?

 I wonder what LOINC code people are using. The top google hit is:
 4548-4   Hemoglobin A1c/​Hemoglobin.total in Blood]. I haven't checked

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