#356: BC Datamart Protoype - aggregated and consolidated 'REDCap Phase1 
 Reporter:  vleonardo  |       Owner:  vleonardo
     Type:  problem    |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major      |   Milestone:  cohort-char-bc-db
Component:  data-stds  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:             |  Blocked By:  361, 362, 385
 Blocking:  295        |

Comment (by vleonardo):

 Following feedback received during today's conference call from Betsy &
 - need to go after a 'limited' dataset, which would provide actual dates,
 so alignment w/ study data can be made
      -- this will require us to get the 'date shift' from the sites, and
 will be done when we get the 'study id-to-order id' mapping

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