#385: Collect BC 'Patient Mapping File' from from breast cancer survey sites
 Reporter:  dconnolly     |       Owner:  vleonardo
     Type:  task          |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  bc-agg-1
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  362, 420
 Blocking:  356           |

Comment (by dconnolly):


 Has anyone been in touch to report problems or changes in plans for
 submitting files? I still see just MCRF, KUMC, and UIOWA.

 Patient Mapping File for Phase 1 of GPC Breast Cancer - Responses]
  \\''access limited to BC research team''

 excerpt from 17 Nov notes: (#12)

  1. KUMC done
  2. CMH n/a
  3. **UIOWA informed Vince / Dan yesterday that it’s going to take another
  4. **WISC 7-10 days - WISC has the names from Vince now.**
  5. **MCW ... George attempted to check with Brad; no luck yet**
  6. MCRF done
  7. **UMN Justin gets an update.**
  8. **UNMC**
  9. UTHSCSA not applicable
  10. **UTSW sent to Susan; 2 week turnaround (from last week), per
  11. MU n/a
  12. IU n/a

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