#295: breast cancer correspondence between EHR and tumor registry variables -
i2b2 query
 Reporter:  dconnolly             |       Owner:  vleonardo
     Type:  enhancement           |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                 |   Milestone:  cohort-char-bc-db
Component:  data-sharing          |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  breast-cancer-cohort  |  Blocked By:  258, 296, 328, 355, 356
 Blocking:  297, 302, 382         |

Comment (by vleonardo):

 I've attached the current, working version of the i2b2 query for Phase 2,
 containing the additional variables:
 * 'treatment' variables f/ Tumor Registry
 * 'treatment' variables f/ EMR
 * 'demographic' variables f/ EMR

 Note, the query has been broken into the following functional groups:

 '''Group 1) Denominator concepts'''
 * Filters dataset for Breast Cancer patients in either TR or EMR)
 '''Group 2) Tumor Registry variables (used in Phase 1)'''
 * Original set of variables extracted by the sites in spring of 2015
 '''Group 3) EMR treatment-related variables (new to Phase 2)'''
 '''Group 4) EMR demographic variables (combined Phase 1 & Phase 2)'''
 '''Group 5) Tumor Registry treatment-related variables'''
 * Existing i2b2 variables, new to Phase 2
 '''Group 6) Tumor Registry treatment-related variables'''
 * New i2b2 variables that needed to be created, new to Phase 2

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