#267: CDM V3 Vitals.Smoking History compliance
 Reporter:  campbell               |       Owner:  mprittie
     Type:  design-issue           |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                  |   Milestone:  data-domains3
Component:  data-stds              |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  Smoking history DM V3  |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:  263, 486               |
Changes (by dconnolly):

 * owner:  campbell => mprittie
 * status:  reopened => assigned
 * blocking:  263 => 263, 486
 * milestone:  adaptable-accrual => data-domains3



 From our Feb 29 DC results (ticket:486#comment:1), we're pretty clearly
 doing this wrong:

 Query name: VIT_L3_SMOKING
 ||9 ||NI ||434 ||100.00

 Would you take a look, please?

  - MCRF's experience report and proposal is in comment:9
  - KUMC's Epic ETL is in
  - UNMC's code is linked from the description of this ticket.

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