#473: PCORnet CDMv3 SAS prep-to-research Readiness
 Reporter:  bzschoche    |       Owner:  lv
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  data-domains3
Component:  data-stds    |  Resolution:
 Keywords:               |  Blocked By:  381, 486
 Blocking:               |

Comment (by kwanta):

 University of Wisconsin (WISC) converted the i2p-transform source code and
 scilhs-ontology DDL from Oracle to Netezza code.  We can now build our CDM
 v3 in under an hour.  WISC built the CDM v3 on 4/7/2016 and submitted the
 diagnostics query results to Duke University that day.  Some of the data
 types didn't match in our results, but that is likely due to the data
 types in Netezza.  Hoping to clarify this week.  We also had to change
 some of the SAS code because the query was throwing exceptions on our
 Netezza tables due to one of the SAS libraries.

 Keith Wanta is working with Jeff Klann from Harvard Medical School this
 week to do a GitHub pull request to create a Netezza i2p-transform branch.
 Aaron Abend will be be working with me to benchmark those queries in
 Netezza this week as well, and will most likely use this code to create
 the Postgres branch since Netezza SQL grammar is based on Postgres.

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