#473: PCORnet CDMv3 SAS prep-to-research Readiness
 Reporter:  bzschoche    |       Owner:  kwanta
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  data-domains3
Component:  data-stds    |  Resolution:
 Keywords:               |  Blocked By:  381, 486
 Blocking:               |

Comment (by mish):

 WISC had a couple of issues with dates (Netezza/SAS issue) and Keith has
 been working through those with central folks. We noted two other minor
 issues in coding. It's not clear if they want us to fix those or not.
 Keith believes that we will resolve the date issues by the end of the day
 today. No comment on the Data Dictionary yet.

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