#155: correlating observations with encounters
 Reporter:  lv                    |       Owner:  dconnolly
     Type:  design-issue          |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                 |   Milestone:  data-domains3
Component:  data-stds             |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  data-quality cdm-etl  |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:                        |
Changes (by dconnolly):

 * owner:  rwaitman => dconnolly


 After discussion with Russ (around Apr 1 ticket:486#comment:34) this is
 what we put in the KUMC annotated data dictionary:
 > KUMC has reconciled encounters across our EMR, professional billing and
 UHC as follows: for each patient-day, if it falls within a hospital
 encounter, the patients observations are associated with that encounter;
 else they are associated with that patient-day.

 I'm not sure where to go from here; I hop to collect info from other

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