"Role altered."

Try again?


From: Pedersen, Jay G [jay.peder...@unmc.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2016 3:47 PM
To: gpc-dev@listserv.kumc.edu; Dan Connolly; Pedersen, Jay G
Subject: UNMC -- unable to access NAACCR schema in postgresdb on BABEL


I am trying to update the UNMC NAACCR extract to match as closely as possible 
to KUMC's NAACCR extract (hopefully exactly), following the procedure outlined 


I am attempting to extract the t_item, t_code and t_section tables from the 
NAACCR schema in the postgres DB in BABEL, as documented.

I am able to access the postgres database, and have access to the i2b2metadata 
schema, but not the naaccr schema.

The error I receive ===>

ERROR:  permission denied for schema naaccr

NOTE: my username is "jpedersen" on BABEL

Jay Pedersen, M.A.
Department of Pathology/Microbiology
University of Nebraska Medical Center

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