Reviewing the HERON ETL code, I see it does populate the i2b2 start_date for 
labs from Epic's result_time, which looks more like RESULT_DATE.

I see that our code to build the PCORNet LAB_RESULT_CM.LAB_ORDER_DATE 
 uses this start_date that came from result_time, so we're fudging things a bit 

The HERON ETL code is used at KUMC and was the basis of work at UTHSCSA and 
UNMC. If the difference between LAB_ORDER_DATE and RESULT_DATE is significant 
for Next-D, I can find out how the other participating GPC sites do start_date 
for labs.




From: Al'ona Furmanchuk []
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 4:35 PM
To: <>
Cc: Mei Liu; Dan Connolly; Taylor, Bradley; Bernard Black
Subject: Re: [gpc-informatics] #551: next-D labs for cohort selection: fasting 
glucose, HbA1c

great job!
Meanwhile, could you please clarify actual meaning of "start_date" in i2b2? Is 
it more like "LAB_OERDER_DATE" (when lab was ordered), "SPECIMEN_DATE" (when 
specimen was taken), "RESULT_DATE" (when results became available)?


On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 4:06 PM, GPC Informatics 
<<>> wrote:
#551: next-D labs for cohort selection: fasting glucose, HbA1c
 Reporter:  afurmanchuk   |       Owner:  meiliu
     Type:  design-issue  |      Status:  accepted
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  next-d
Component:  data-stds     |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:  545           |

Comment (by dconnolly):

 Alona, Mei,

 I managed to prototype using i2b2 and LOINC codes:

  - 8f27bee get FG_Intial, RG_Initial from i2b2 star schema
 NextDvariableExtractionOracleTable1GPC.sql lines  138-221]

 At KUMC, this results in ~500K rows in RG_Intial but 0 in FG_Intial:
 as I noted in comment:1, the LOINC code KU Hospital maps to (`Glucose
 SerPl-mCnc (2345-7)`) doesn't
 distinguish fasting from eating.

 Some changes were perhaps substantive, so I need you to evaluate the
     - LAB_ORDER_DATE became start_date,
       which is more likely result date than order date
     - i2b2 start_date includes time

 Brad, I think this approach should work at other GPC sites. I'd appreciate
 if you'd (have George) take a look.

Ticket URL: 
gpc-informatics <>
Greater Plains Network - Informatics

Al’ona Furmanchuk, Ph.D.
Research Associate

Center for Health Information Partnerships,
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
633 N. Saint Clair Street, 20th floor,
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 312-503-34281
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