When I asked for date difference I was asking about any lab type.
Glucose labs are not in PCORNET model and have to be pull out from i2b2
separately. For A1c(which is in PCORNET model)  I was assuming all sites
have all 3 dates available.
I was not aware situation is so bad. Lets discuss it in the next

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Dan Connolly <dconno...@kumc.edu> wrote:

> I started looking at date differences... for similar reasons to the ones
> Alex gave, I thought a histogram was in order... I had assumed the specimen
> date and order date were in the same table as the result date. But I don't
> see them. I don't know where they are.
> My earlier 1 to 2 month estimate for revising HERON ETL was based on this
> assumption. I no longer have a clear design in my head, so multiply my
> estimate by 2x to 3x until I know more.
> --
> Dan
> ________________________________________
> From: Gpc-dev [gpc-dev-boun...@listserv.kumc.edu] on behalf of Stoddard,
> Alexander [astodd...@mcw.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 11:41 AM
> To: gpc-dev@listserv.kumc.edu
> Subject: Re: [gpc-informatics] #551: next-D labs for cohort selection
> I’ll return the Excel spreadsheet survey with info for MCW outside of the
> dev list.
> MCW uses RESULT_DATE for the i2b2 “START_DATE” for lab facts.  START_DATE
> being a very poor name imposed by the i2b2 schema, it’s really just “some
> date” for a fact without any explicit context – hence the difference
> choices we will find between sites. It is also the “only date” that can be
> used to ask time relative questions of any given set of  facts in i2b2
> unless we start creating related concepts or being inventive with modifier
> codes. I know of no example of i2b2 modifier codes modifying the _date_ of
> a fact as opposed to the _value_. I think the schema would support it in
> principle but I have no idea if the client and generated queries would.
> This would also be a long term major ETL development task.
> We do have all three of order_date, specimen_date and result_date from our
> Epic source data. But specimen date is only partially available, we are at
> the mercy of manual data entry and data validation upstream of us in the
> system. That is, at least in part, why MCW made the expedient choice of
> making RESULT_DATE our anchor for lab facts, it was the “best” one that was
> consistently available in the large.
> Are the max difference questions for the different date types to be
> answered in the limited context of only to A1C values, or all lab results
> in our source system (or some broader subset)?
> I fear a simple max difference is going to be non-robust, uninformative,
> and look very bad (or even nonsensical) for us. Some work flows upstream
> (at least at MCW) for entering lab results into the EHR use manual data
> abstraction, and others use (at times broken) automated abstraction with
> poorly mapped date field semantics. There is going to be some percentage of
> completely bogus date values. To truly assess the lag between the different
> lab date semantics will probably take calculating percentiles of the
> differences for individual lab tests – this is obviously more effort and we
> will need guidance on how soon an answer is needed for it to be useful and
> if it is worth the effort and/or worth the wait.
> Thank you,
>  Alex Stoddard
> Biomedical Informatics Software Engineer
> Medical College of Wisconsin
> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:29:17 -0600
>     From: "Al'ona Furmanchuk" <furmanc...@icnanotox.org>
>     To: Dan Connolly <dconno...@kumc.edu>
>     Cc: Bernard Black <bbl...@kellogg.northwestern.edu>,
>         "<gpc-dev@listserv.kumc.edu>" <gpc-dev@listserv.kumc.edu>
>     Subject: Re: [gpc-informatics] #551: next-D labs for cohort selection:
>         fasting glucose, HbA1c
>     Message-ID:
>         <CADEvUy6gXhN009NApqYucrnjUkds1zODzPW6fwyOVRk7cY964A@mail.
> gmail.com>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>     Before we go toward changes, lets just see if we need to. I would
>     appreciate if each site could fill up attached form and send back to
> me. I
>     filled some sites based on this discussion. Please, check and correct
> if I
>     got it wrong.
>     Alona.
> _______________________________________________
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> Gpc-dev@listserv.kumc.edu
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Al’ona Furmanchuk, Ph.D.
Research Associate

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road, Tech L359
Evanston, IL 60208
Web: http://furmanchuk.com/
E-mail: alona.furmanc...@northwestern.edu <furmanc...@icnanotox.org>
Phone: 847-467-2299
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