#580: Data Characterization - Cycle 2, Refresh 2 Tracking
 Reporter:  lv             |       Owner:  nsmith
     Type:  problem        |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major          |   Milestone:  cdm-cycle3
Component:  data-stds      |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  CDM, DCQ, EDC  |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:                 |

Comment (by dhood):

 Indiana/Regenstrief Issues
 Harvest Table- will manually update and refer to table above for correct

 % encounters with principal Dx-our EDC report did not correctly calculate
 this table and we will address this on the next reload.  Principal Dx is
 not coded in our source data.  We can apply some logic to the Dx's
 associated with a given encounter to prioritize one as principal, however
 this will take some effort and is unlikely to be resolved for this current

 Invalid ICD10 codes- still investigating but it appears that a number of
 icd 9 codes are being classified as icd 10.  Will continue to investigate
 and look to resolve in the current characterization

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