#280: Medication ontology orgainzed by ingredient
 Reporter:  preeder      |       Owner:  campbell
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  snow-shrine-2
Component:  data-stds    |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  all-sites    |  Blocked By:  568, 592
 Blocking:               |

Comment (by campbell):

 Extract from UNMC Clarity found 6,134,787 medication administration events
 coded in NDC and reported since 2012 with roughly 1.43M episodes per year.
 An episode is defined as a continuous series of administration events
 bounded by a START_DATE and STOP_DATE for a single drug ordered within an
 individual medication order.  There were 7717 distinct NDC codes
 referenced in these events.  181 NDC codes were not in our SCILHS
 metadata, some of which are erroneous but some apparently missed in our
 metadata build.  I found only 5589 investigational drug events which were
 coded by our pharmacy using homegrown codes.

 We will push these Medication Administration events into CDMV31.PROCEDURES
 using the NDC codes.

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