George will not have query 1 done today. We are undergoing network upgrades and 
it is causing chaos.

From: Gpc-dev <> on behalf of Dan Connolly 
Date: Monday, June 26, 2017 at 1:24 PM
To: "McDowell, Bradley D" <>, 
"" <>, Phillip Reeder 
<>, George Kowalski <>, 
"Smith, Nicholas C" <>
Subject: RE: targeted cancer tx feasibility request

This seems to have fallen into an anybody/somebody/nobody hole.  In the 
interest of progress, I consulted my 12 sided die and it nominates UTSW, MCW, 
and UIOWA to pick on to get the conversation started.

Phillip, are you set for query 1 by tomorrow?
Nick, I would assume you're all set, but we know what happens when we assume. 
Care to confirm?

Russ asked Sravani this morning to pick up the ball for KUMC. It's not clear to 
me whether she expects to get query 1 done by tomorrow.


From: Gpc-dev [] on behalf of McDowell, 
Bradley D []
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 10:26 AM
Subject: RE: targeted cancer tx feasibility request
Unless I have missed some messages, I have only heard from Jim at UNMC and 
Kathleen at MN on this request (linked below). Will all other sites be able to 
respond to this query by next Tuesday? This information will be important for a 
funding application that will be due soon.

Thank you,


From: McDowell, Bradley D
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 3:34 PM
To: ''
Subject: targeted cancer tx feasibility request


Since we did not have a dev group call today, I thought I’d follow up on our 
updated feasibility request:<>

We requested the Query 1 information by next Tuesday, June 27. Will this be 



Bradley D. McDowell, Ph.D.
Director, Population Research Core
Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center

5240 MERF | The University of Iowa | Iowa City, IA | 52242
Office: 319-384-1768

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