#625: Disk space allocation and LVM setup for SNOW SHRINE spoke server(s)
 Reporter:  kwanta        |       Owner:  kwanta
     Type:  task          |      Status:  new
 Priority:  critical      |   Milestone:  snow-shrine-2
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:                |
Description changed by kwanta:

Old description:

> To avoid having your spoke crash from log file growth, I'd like to get a
> response from the SNOW SHRINE spoke administrators from each GPC site
> with the amount of disk space allocated on your server.  If you have less
> than 30GB, you should talk to your system administrator to setup Logical
> Volume Management, or simply add more disk space to the existing logical
> group being used.
> If SHRINE is implemented on a Linux server, please run the following
> command on your SHRINE server(s) and your site abbreviation.
> df -BG
> MCRF and MU can simply respond with disk space allocated for the drive
> letters storing SHRINE and i2b2 application files.

New description:

 To avoid having your spoke crash from log file growth, I'd like to get a
 response from the SNOW SHRINE spoke administrators from each GPC site with
 the amount of disk space allocated on your server.  If you have less than
 30GB, you should talk to your system administrator to setup Logical Volume
 Management, or simply add more disk space to the existing logical group
 being used.  If your server crashes, it will also affect the other 10
 sites connected to the hub, so we'd like to avoid this if possible.

 If SHRINE is implemented on a Linux server, please run the following
 command on your SHRINE server(s) and your site abbreviation.

 df -BG

 MCRF and MU can simply respond with disk space allocated for the drive
 letters storing SHRINE and i2b2 application files.


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