#628: UIOWA network traffic still being blocked for prod spoke
  Reporter:  kwanta        |      Owner:  nsmith
      Type:  problem       |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major         |  Milestone:  snow-shrine-2
 Component:  data-sharing  |   Keywords:
Blocked By:                |   Blocking:
 The UIOWA spoke was implemented on SHRINE 1.20.1 on the test spoke (not
 the prod spoke), but they are still having some network traffic issues.
 Once these issues are resolved, we can verify against the prod hub.

 UIOWA test spoke outbound to UW Health prod hub inbound is ALLOWED
 - when UIOWA spoke initiates a cohort, they can see the count of others,
 but not their own count
 - when WISC spoke initiates a cohort, we can see the counts of others,
 except UIOWA
 UW Health prod hub outbound to UIOWA test spoke inbound is BLOCKED
 UIOWA prod spoke outbound to UW Health test hub inbound is BLOCKED
 UW Health test hub outbound to UIOWA prod spoke inbound is BLOCKED

 Nick, please triage this to your network admin.  Thank you.

Ticket URL: <http://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/628>
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