#709: CDMV41 DOSE_ADMIN_UNITS and ROUTE valuesets do not follow PCORNET v1.4
 Reporter:  campbell   |       Owner:  campbell
     Type:  problem    |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major      |   Milestone:  pcornet-cdm-4
Component:  data-stds  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:             |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:             |

Comment (by campbell):

 The SAS proc generates a lot of intermediary tables in running the data
 quality checks.  They are in \dmlocal.   The table
 'pres_l3_rxdoseodrunit.sas7bdat' has to do with valueset validation for
 RX_DOSE_ORDERED_UNIT in the PRESCRIBING table.  Examining that data, I
 noted that there were counts for all 'Values outside of CDM
 specifications' but also a count by units code of all that it considered
 valid.  Each UNIT was listed and so I compared that set of values with the
 RX_DOSE_ORDERED_UNITs we had in our CDMV41 tables.  I found three we had
 deployed that were not in the table's validity list.  The counts of those
 three values in our PRESCRIBING table exactly equaled the number of errors
 reported in the DCQA.  I mapped all of them to 'OT' in our PRESCRIBING
 table and reran the SAS dataset load.

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