Hi everyone,

Below find the agenda-in-progress for our meeting Tuesday, November 27 at 11:00 
a.m. CT. Our scribe will be Iowa.

Connect: https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/817393381
access code: 817-393-381; call +1 (571) 317-3131

Link to notes:

Let me know if you have additions/changes?

1. Convene, take roll, review records and plan next meeting(s)
                a. 11:00 a.m. Central Time.
                Meeting ID and access code: 817-393-381; call +1 (571) 317-3131
                b. Roll; comments on the agenda? (ref SoftwareDev#tracking)
                Reminder - put site after your name in GoToMeeting preferences
                                i. GPC DevTeams represented? KUMC, UIOWA, MCW, 
                                ii. Today's scribe: Iowa
                c. Comments on last week's notes? (#12)
                                Recent tickets opened/closed 
                                i. Opened - none
                                ii. Closed - #717 OBS_CLIN coding for CDMv41; 
#712 WISC CDM Cycle 4; #472 Wisconsin Medicaid data
                d. Next meeting(s): 4 December - scribe MCW? KUMC?
                                i. Note scribe rotation appendix

2. RCR - milestones:cancer-rcr-1; cancer-rcr-3 / Grouse-3 
                a. News?

3. PCORnet CDM/Data Curation
        a. Cycle 6, Refresh 1 - Distributed 1/14/19; Due 2/04/19
        b. Cycle 6, Refresh 2 - Distributed 4/01/19; Due 4/22/19

4. HackathonSix - 
                a. Ahead of the meeting
                i. Add hardware details to GPC DevTeams Tools and Techniques 
                b. Remote connection/GoToMeeting link?
        c. Agenda discussion (http://www.gpcnetwork.org/?q=2018-LEC-Hackathon)
                i. Monday, Dec 10
                        1. 10:30-12 Site PIs & Hackathon teams
                        2. 1:00-2:00 GROUSE
                        3. 2:10-3:10 SNOW SHRINE replacement
                        4. 3:30-4:30 Business Development & Hackathon
                ii. Tuesday, Dec 11
                        1. 8:00-9:30 Hackathon
                        2. 10:00-11:15 Hackathon & Site PIs

5. PCRF 
        a. Contractual requirements for the CDM
                i. Laurel to confirm expectations and timeline.

6. DROC #40: Predictive Models for Acute Kidney Injury using PCORnet CDM
                a. #711 - External Validation for Acute Kidney Injury(AKI) 
Predictive Models using PCORnet CDM data
                                 i. Deadline - late October (past)
                                 ii. Two options:
                                                1. Run R locally and return 
reports (as earlier discussed)
                                                                a. Done - KUMC, 
                                                                b. Utah - 
                                                                c. Marshfield - 
                                                2. KUMC runs reports against 
                                                                a. UTSW, MCW, 
7. NextD - sites: IOWA, UNMC, MCW, IU, KUMC, UTSW, MU
                a. #713 - NextD Data Refresh; based on CDM v4.0; due date 1/1/19
                c. #715 - NextD request on mapping payer_type variables 
                                i. Updates?

8. DROC #42: Comparison of Outcomes of Unilateral Mastectomy and Contralateral 
Prophylactic Mastectomy with Reconstruction in a Multicenter Cohort [also #718]
                a. Due date 12/15

9. milestone:snow-shrine-2 , milestone:snow-shrine-3
                a. Tabled until Hackathon6

10. milestone:text-notes-1 De-identification; use case: #573
                a. Tabled for clarification on expectations

11. Other topics

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