I went through it last week and updated our Heron(+ Sunrise) to ACT ETL. I 
forwarded it to Lav and Maren.

My first impression is that there are some issues with the update, however, I 
have had that impression before and found that they simply did some sort of 
weird trick with I2B2 that didn't follow the customs I'm used to seeing. I did 
what I needed to do to get the Data Curation working and will spend some more 
time this week looking in-depth at the issues I found and message their 
ontology person if I still see bugs. They also updated their instructions today 
so they might have fixed one of the issues I noted.

From: Dan Connolly <dconno...@kumc.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2019 12:18 PM
To: Manuel, Laura S M <manue...@uthscsa.edu>
Cc: Lav Patel <lpa...@kumc.edu>; , <gpc-dev@listserv.kumc.edu>
Subject: ACT SHRINE 2.0 metadata: experience reports?


Did you manage to dig into ACT 2.0 metadata this week? Any experience to report?

Lav, do you have any questions yet? Have you started to look at it?


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