Hello everyone,

On Wednesday, October 2nd and Thursday, October 3rd, the University of Kansas 
Medical Center will be hosting the combined 2019 Learning Engagement Conference 
and HackathonSeven<http://www.gpcnetwork.org/?q=2019-LEC-Hackathon>. This will 
be our sixth annual GPC-wide meeting, and we are very much looking forward to 
seeing everyone together in Kansas City again.

The conference will be held at the Kauffman Foundation Conference 
 in Kansas City, Missouri, which is the same location we have used in the four 
previous years. This year, we will be doing a half day the first day in the 
afternoon followed by a full day the second day, so that those coming to Kansas 
City for the CTSI meeting will be able to attend both. Select groups will be 
having optional meetings Wednesday morning before the official start of the 
conference. More information will be distributed about these to the relevant 
groups at a later date. Official registration will begin around 12:30 on 
Wednesday afternoon and we will meet until 5:30pm, followed by a dinner for all 
meeting attendees. Thursday morning will begin promptly with check-in at 7:30, 
and will be a full day of meetings concluding at 4:30pm. Please try to plan 
your travel in such a way that you are able to stay for the entire duration of 
the meeting. We will likely have optional dinners on both Tuesday evening and 
Thursday evening for those who will be in town and would like to attend. More 
information will be distributed on these at a later date.

This year, we are requesting that sites send the following participants:

  *   Site PI
  *   Patient Engagement Officer
  *   Patient Advisor (KUMC will fund travel for patients)
  *   IRB member
  *   Dev team member
  *   Project Manager

All sites should have money in their budgets for these 5 people they are 
funding to attend, and can coordinate with KUMC for travel funds for patients 
(engagement team members should already have information on how to handle this).

We would like to have everyone registered as soon as possible so that we can 
get a rough headcount, so please register if you are hoping to attend even if 
you are unsure at this point if it will be feasible or not.

If you are planning to attend all or any of this event, please fill out the 
registration survey<https://redcap.kumc.edu/surveys/?s=P4X49MHLKD> linked below 
by Wednesday, September 4th at the latest so that we can plan accordingly. The 
sooner you can register the better!


Please visit the event webpage<http://www.gpcnetwork.org/?q=2019-LEC-Hackathon> 
on the GPC website<http://www.gpcnetwork.org/> for all logistical information 
(draft agenda will also be posted here as soon as they are available), and if 
you have any questions/comments/concerns, please feel free to send them my way 
and I would be happy to assist you.

Thank you for your help in making this event a success, and we hope to see you 
all here in October!

Hillary Sandoval
Project Manager, Center for Medical Informatics and Enterprise Analytics
University of Kansas Medical Center

Request Help Here<https://redcap.kumc.edu/surveys/?s=qYxMmb>

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