Hi, given you see read latencies of 1 ms, you do not get the data from disk but from some cache (on whatever level). From spinning disks, you can never expect such read latencies (mind that GPFS block reading, even if sequential from the application's PoV, typically translates to random I/O at the physical disk level).

So, I do not know what the latencies on your other measurements (bypassing GPFS) were  but the numbers below do not represent sustained high-scale throughputs, apparently.

It is nevertheless strange that your write rates are much below reads (and write latencies are that high) -- from my experience with different systems, when hammering GPFS with usual storage backends with both read and write requests, the writes tend to prevail.

Your waiters indicate that the problem is above GPFS:

GPFS is able to serve all I/O threads within a few ms, and there is not a long list of pending IOs.

Sorry, the iohistory options is

mmdiag --iohist

But to me it looks like not GPFS is the culprit here.


On 04.09.24 11:08, Henrik Cednert wrote:
Hi Uwe


Worth noting is that we have win10 ltsc, win 2019 and have had a single CPU win 11 22h2 (as a test) clients that all perform as expected. Those machines is older though and connected with 10-40GbE, those client max out their NIC in read and write.

Let me know if i missed something important here. Thanks again.

Setups is


  * Supermicro Workstation
  * Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6418H   2.10 GHz  (2 processors)
  * Mellanox ConnectX-6 Dx connected with 100GbE over dedicated vlan
    via mellanox sn2100.
  * Windows 11 Pro for Workstations, 22H2

Storage setup

    3 x 84 bay seagate chassis with spinning disks.
    Storage connected with redundant 12Gb SAS to 2 x Storage node servers
    2 x mellanox sn2100
    The 2 storage node servers are for this vlan connected with 100GbE
    to each switch, so in total 4 x 100GbE.  And the switches are
    connected with 2 * 100GbE

I tested the commands you suggested. They are both new to me so not sure what the output is supposed to be, looks like -iohistory isn't available in windows. I ran --waiters a few times, as seen below. Not sure what the expected output is from that.

mmdiag --waiters

=== mmdiag: waiters ===
Waiting 0.0000 sec since 2024-09-04_10:05:14, monitored, thread 18616 MsgHandler@getData: for In function sendMessage Waiting 0.0000 sec since 2024-09-04_10:05:14, monitored, thread 25084 WritebehindWorkerThread: on ThCond 0x31A7C360 (MsgRecordCondvar), reason 'RPC wait' for NSD I/O completion on node <c0n0>

C:\Users\m5-tkd01>mmdiag --waiters

=== mmdiag: waiters ===
Waiting 0.0009 sec since 2024-09-04_10:05:17, monitored, thread 16780 FsyncHandlerThread: on ThCond 0x37FFDAB0 (MsgRecordCondvar), reason 'RPC wait' for NSD I/O completion on node <c0n1> Waiting 0.0009 sec since 2024-09-04_10:05:17, monitored, thread 30308 MsgHandler@getData: for In function sendMessage

C:\Users\m5-tkd01>mmdiag --waiters

=== mmdiag: waiters ===
Waiting 0.0055 sec since 2024-09-04_10:05:21, monitored, thread 16780 FileBlockReadFetchHandlerThread: on ThCond 0x37A25FF0 (MsgRecordCondvar), reason 'RPC wait' for NSD I/O completion on node <c0n0>

C:\Users\m5-tkd01>mmdiag --waiters

=== mmdiag: waiters ===
Waiting 0.0029 sec since 2024-09-04_10:05:23, monitored, thread 16780 FileBlockReadFetchHandlerThread: on ThCond 0x38281DE0 (MsgRecordCondvar), reason 'RPC wait' for NSD I/O completion on node <c0n0>

C:\Users\m5-tkd01>mmdiag --waiters

=== mmdiag: waiters ===
Waiting 0.0019 sec since 2024-09-04_10:05:25, monitored, thread 11832 PrefetchWorkerThread: on ThCond 0x38278D20 (MsgRecordCondvar), reason 'RPC wait' for NSD I/O completion on node <c0n1> Waiting 0.0009 sec since 2024-09-04_10:05:25, monitored, thread 16780 AcquireBRTHandlerThread: on ThCond 0x37A324E0 (MsgRecordCondvar), reason 'RPC wait' for tmMsgBRRevoke on node <c0n11> Waiting 0.0009 sec since 2024-09-04_10:05:25, monitored, thread 2576 RangeRevokeWorkerThread: on ThCond 0x5419DAA0 (BrlObjCondvar), reason 'waiting because of local byte range lock conflict'


C:\Users\m5-tkd01>mmdiag --iohistory
Unrecognized option: --iohistory.
Run mmdiag --help for the option list


Henrik Cednert */ * + 46 704 71 89 54 */*  CTO */  OnePost *(formerly Filmlance Post)

☝️ *OnePost*, formerly Filmlance's post-production, is now an independent part of the Banijay Group.
New name, same team – business as usual at OnePost.

*From:* gpfsug-discuss <gpfsug-discuss-boun...@gpfsug.org> on behalf of Uwe Falke <uwe.fa...@kit.edu>
*Sent:* Tuesday, 3 September 2024 17:35
*To:* gpfsug-discuss@gpfsug.org <gpfsug-discuss@gpfsug.org>
*Subject:* Re: [gpfsug-discuss] GPFS on Windows 11 Pro. Performance issues, write.

Hi, Henrik,

while I am not using Windows I'd start investigating the usual things (see below).

But first you should describe your set-up better.

Where are the NSDs : locally attached to the Windows box? In some NSD servers?

If the latter -- what is the link to the NSD servers? via your GbE link? FC? IB? separate Ethernet?

What type of storage? Spinning Disks? Flash?

How long are your I/Os waiting on the client (compare that to the waiting times on the NSD server if applicable)?

not sure whether that is available on Windows, but

mmdiag --waiters

mmdiag --iohistory

might be of use.

Somewhere in the chain from your application to the storage backend there is a delay and you should first find out where that occurs I think.



On 03.09.24 14:10, Henrik Cednert wrote:
Still no solution here regarding this.

Have tested other cables.
Have tested to change tcp window size, no change
Played with numa in the bios, no change
Played with hyperthreading in bios, no change

Have anyone managed to get some speed out of windows 11 and gpfs?


Henrik Cednert */ * + 46 704 71 89 54 */*  CTO */  OnePost *(formerly Filmlance Post)

☝️ *OnePost*, formerly Filmlance's post-production, is now an independent part of the Banijay Group.
New name, same team – business as usual at OnePost.

*From:* gpfsug-discuss <gpfsug-discuss-boun...@gpfsug.org> <mailto:gpfsug-discuss-boun...@gpfsug.org> on behalf of Henrik Cednert <henrik.cedn...@onepost.se> <mailto:henrik.cedn...@onepost.se>
*Sent:* Friday, 9 August 2024 17:25
*To:* gpfsug-discuss@gpfsug.org <mailto:gpfsug-discuss@gpfsug.org> <gpfsug-discuss@gpfsug.org> <mailto:gpfsug-discuss@gpfsug.org> *Subject:* [gpfsug-discuss] GPFS on Windows 11 Pro. Performance issues, write.

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I have some issues with write performance on a windows 11 pro system and I'm out of ideas here. Hopefully someone here have some bright ideas and/or experience of GPFS on Windows 11?

The system is a:

Windows 11 Pro 22H2
2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6418H   2.10 GHz
512 GB RAM
Mellanox ConnectX 6 Dx
100GbE connected to Mellanox Switch with 5m Mellanox DAC.

Before deploying this workstation we had a single socket system as a test bench where we got 60 GbE in both directons with iPerf and around 6GB/sec write and 3GB/sec read from the system over GPFS (fio tests, same tests as furhter down here).

With that system I had loads of issues before getting to that point though. MS Defender had to be forcefully disabled via regedit some other tweaks. All those tweaks have been performed in this new system as well, but I can't get the proper speed out of it.

On this new system and with iPerf to the storage servers I get around 50-60GbE in both directions and send and receive.

If I mount the storage over SMB and 100GbE via the storage gateway servers I get around 3GB/sec read and write with Blackmagics Disk speed test. I have not tweaked the system for samba performande, just a test to see what it would give and part of the troubleshooting.

If I run Blackmagics diskspeed test to the GPFS mount I instead get around 700MB/sec write and 400MB/sec read.

Starting to think that the Blackmagic test might not run properly on this machine with these CPUs though. Or it's related to the mmfsd process maybe, how that threads or not threads...?

But if we instead look at fio. I have a bat script that loops through a bunch of FIO-tests. A test that I have been using over the years so that we easily can benchmark all deployed systems with the exakt same tests. The tests are named like:


The result when I run this is like the below list. Number in parenthesis is the by fio reported latency.

Job: seqrw-40gb-1mb-t1
      •     Write: 162 MB/s (6 ms)
      •     Read: 1940 MB/s (1 ms)

Job: seqrw-20gb-1mb-t2
      •     Write: 286 MB/s (7 ms)
      •     Read: 3952 MB/s (1 ms)

Job: seqrw-10gb-1mb-t4
      •     Write: 549 MB/s (7 ms)
      •     Read: 6987 MB/s (1 ms)

Job: seqrw-05gb-1mb-t8
      •     Write: 989 MB/s (8 ms)
      •     Read: 7721 MB/s (1 ms)

Job: seqrw-40gb-2mb-t1
      •     Write: 161 MB/s (12 ms)
      •     Read: 2261 MB/s (0 ms)

Job: seqrw-20gb-2mb-t2
      •     Write: 348 MB/s (11 ms)
      •     Read: 4266 MB/s (1 ms)

Job: seqrw-10gb-2mb-t4
      •     Write: 626 MB/s (13 ms)
      •     Read: 4949 MB/s (1 ms)

Job: seqrw-05gb-2mb-t8
      •     Write: 1154 MB/s (14 ms)
      •     Read: 7007 MB/s (2 ms)

Job: seqrw-40gb-4mb-t1
      •     Write: 161 MB/s (25 ms)
      •     Read: 2083 MB/s (1 ms)

Job: seqrw-20gb-4mb-t2
      •     Write: 352 MB/s (23 ms)
      •     Read: 4317 MB/s (2 ms)

Job: seqrw-10gb-4mb-t4
      •     Write: 696 MB/s (23 ms)
      •     Read: 7358 MB/s (2 ms)

Job: seqrw-05gb-4mb-t8
      •     Write: 1251 MB/s (25 ms)
      •     Read: 6707 MB/s (5 ms)

So with fio I get a very nice read speed, but the write is horrendous and I cannot find what causes it. I have looked at affinity settings for the mmfsd process but not sure I fully understand it. But no matter what I set it to, I see no difference.

I have "played" with the bios and tried with/without hyperthreading, numa and so on. And nothing affects atleast the blackmagic disk speed test.

the current settings for this host is like below. I write "current" because I have tested a few different settings here but nothing affects the write speed. maxTcpConnsPerNodeConn for sure bumped the read speed though.

nsdMaxWorkerThreads 16
prefetchPct 60
maxTcpConnsPerNodeConn 8
maxMBpS 14000

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how to troubleshoot this?



Henrik Cednert */ * + 46 704 71 89 54 */*  CTO */  OnePost *(formerly Filmlance Post)

☝️ *OnePost*, formerly Filmlance's post-production, is now an independent part of the Banijay Group.
New name, same team – business as usual at OnePost.

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Uwe Falke

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Tel: +49 721 608 28024

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