
We are in the process of trying to configure unified file and object
storage in unified_mode and have a few problems

We are running 4.2.1 and do not have any current issues the file access
protocols setting up the authentication

First issue we do have is binding the object data to our Active Directory,
we seem to be hitting a road block due to the fact that the bind DN has
spaces in it, if we enclose the DN in quotes it still fails, if we escape
them with the appropriate RFC  value we can get the mmuserauth to complete
but the lookups from the local keystone fail for the authentication of the

The DN for the swift user and swift admin also have quotes in them, so just
doing it on the command line is not enough to get the mmuserauth command to

Second problem is

OBJ:openstack-swift-object-sof           is not running

This seems to be due to the config file not having  bind_ip and bind_port
values, if these are added then the error turns to pipeline of other
settings in the config file missing

This particular issue occurs no matter what the auth type is set to be for

Hopefully this make some sense to someone



Leslie Elliott, Infrastructure Support Specialist,  Faculty Infrastructure
and Applications Support
Information Technology Services, The University of Queensland
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