The GUI password can be changed via command line using chuser.


Usage is as follows (where userID = admin)

chuser userID {-p <newPassword> | -l <longName> | -a <name_or_id> | -d 
<name_or_id> | -g <name_or_id> | --expirePassword} [-o <currentPassword>]

Josh K

> On Dec 6, 2017, at 4:56 PM, Buterbaugh, Kevin L 
> <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> So this is embarrassing to admit but I was playing around with setting up the 
> GPFS GUI on our test cluster earlier this fall.  However, I was gone pretty 
> much the entire month of November for a combination of vacation and SC17 and 
> the vacation was so relaxing that I’ve forgotten the admin password for the 
> GPFS GUI.  :-(
> Is there anything I can do to recover from this short of deleting the GPFS 
> GUI related RPM’s, re-installing, and starting over from scratch?  If that’s 
> what I have to do, it’s no big deal as this is just our little 6-node test 
> cluster, but I thought I’d ask before going down that route.
> Oh, and if someone has a way to accomplish this that they’d rather not share 
> in a public mailing list for any reason, please feel free to e-mail me 
> directly, let me know, and I won’t tell if you won’t tell (and hopefully 
> Michael Flynn won’t tell either!)…. ;-)
> Thanks…
> —
> Kevin Buterbaugh - Senior System Administrator
> Vanderbilt University - Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education
> - (615)875-9633
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