We run DSS as well, also 4.2.x versions, and large indoubt entries are common on our file systems, much larger than what you are seeing, for USR, GRP and FILESET.

It didn't use to be so bad on versions 3.4|3.5 in other IBM appliances (GSS, ESS), even DDN's or Cray G200. Under 4.x series the internal automatic mechanism to reconcile accounting seems very laggy by default, and I couldn't find (yet) a config parameter to adjust this. I stopped trying to understand why this happens.

Our users are all subject to quotas, and can't wait indefinitely for this 
reconciliation. I just run mmcheckquota every 6 hours via a crontab.

I hope version 5 is better. Will know in a couple of months.

On 2019-10-07 10:07 a.m., Jonathan Buzzard wrote:

I have a DSS-G system running 4.2.3-7, and on Friday afternoon became
aware that there is a very large (at least I have never seen anything
on this scale before) in doubt on a fileset. It has persisted over the
weekend and is sitting at 17.5TB, with the fileset having a 150TB quota
and only 82TB in use.

There is a relatively large 26,500 files in doubt, though there is no
quotas on file numbers for the fileset. This has come down from some
47,500 on Friday when the in doubt was a shade over 18TB.

The largest in doubt I have seen in the past was in the order of a few
hundred GB under very heavy write that went away very quickly after the
writing stopped.

There is no evidence of heavy writing going on in the file system so I
am perplexed as to why the in doubt is remaining so high.

Any thoughts as to what might be going on?


Jaime Pinto - Storage Analyst
SciNet HPC Consortium - Compute/Calcul Canada
www.scinet.utoronto.ca - www.computecanada.ca
University of Toronto
661 University Ave. (MaRS), Suite 1140
Toronto, ON, M5G1M1
P: 416-978-2755
C: 416-505-1477
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