On Wed, 2019-10-16 at 08:21 +0000, Malahal R Naineni wrote:
> >> Ganesha shows functions for converting between GPFS ACL's and the
> ACL format as used by Ganesha.
> Ganesha only supports NFSv4 ACLs, so the conversion is a quick one.
> kernel NFS server converts NFSv4 ACLs to POSIX ACLs (the mapping
> isn't perfect) as many of the Linux file systems only support POSIX
> ACLs (at least this was the behavior).

Yes but the point is you don't need POSIX ACL's on your file system if
you are doing NFS exports if you use Ganesha as your NFS server and
only do NFSv4 exports. It is then down to the client to deal with the
ACL's which the Linux client does. In fact it has for as long as I can
remember. There are even tools to manipulate the NFSv4 ACL's (see nfs4-
acl-tools on RHEL and derivatives).

What's missing is "rich ACL" support in the Linux kernel.


which seems to be down at the moment. Though there has been activity on
the user space utilities.


Is it possible to get IBM to devote some resources to moving this
along. It would make using GPFS on Linux with ACL's a more pleasant


Jonathan A. Buzzard                         Tel: +44141-5483420
HPC System Administrator, ARCHIE-WeSt.
University of Strathclyde, John Anderson Building, Glasgow. G4 0NG

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