Hi All,


I thought it might be giving a little bit of an update on where we are with 
events this year.

As you may know, SCAsia was cancelled in its entirety due to Covid-19 in 
Singapore and so there was no SSUG meeting.
In the US, we struggled to find a venue to host the spring meeting and now time 
is a little short to arrange something for the end of March planned date.
The IBM Spectrum Scale Strategy Days in Germany in March are currently still 
planned to happen next week.
For the UK meeting (May), we haven’t yet opened registration but are planning 
to do so next week. We currently believe that as an event with 120-130 
attendees, this is probably very low risk, but we’ll keep the current 
government advice under review as we approach the date. I would suggest that if 
you are planning to travel internationally to the UK event that you delay 
booking flights/book refundable transport and ensure you have adequate 
insurance in place in the event we have to cancel the event.
For ISC in June, we currently don’t have a date, nor any firm plans to run an 
event this year.

Simon Thompson

UK group chair




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