I have filesets setup in a filesystem...looks like:
[root@cl005 ~]# mmlsfileset home -L
Filesets in file system 'home':
Name                            Id      RootInode  ParentId Created
             InodeSpace      MaxInodes    AllocInodes Comment
root                             0              3        -- Tue Jun 30
07:54:09 2015        0            402653184      320946176 root fileset
hess                             1      543733376         0 Tue Jun 13
14:56:13 2017        0                    0              0
predictHPC                       2        1171116         0 Thu Jan  5
15:16:56 2017        0                    0              0
HYCCSIM                          3      544258049         0 Wed Jun 14
10:00:41 2017        0                    0              0
socialdet                        4      544258050         0 Wed Jun 14
10:01:02 2017        0                    0              0
arc                              5        1171073         0 Thu Jan  5
15:07:09 2017        0                    0              0
arcadm                           6        1171074         0 Thu Jan  5
15:07:10 2017        0                    0              0

I beleive these are dependent filesets.  Dependent on the root fileset.
 Anyhow a user wants to move a large amount of data from one fileset to
another.   Would this be a metadata only operation?  He has attempted to
small amount of data and has noticed some thrasing.
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