fre. 5. jun. 2020 kl. 15:53 skrev Giovanni Bracco <>:

> answer in the text
> On 05/06/20 14:58, Jan-Frode Myklebust wrote:
> >
> > Could maybe be interesting to drop the NSD servers, and let all nodes
> > access the storage via srp ?
> no we can not: the production clusters fabric is a mix of a QDR based
> cluster and a OPA based cluster and NSD nodes provide the service to both.

You could potentially still do SRP from QDR nodes, and via NSD for your
omnipath nodes. Going via NSD seems like a bit pointless indirection.

> >
> > Maybe turn off readahead, since it can cause performance degradation
> > when GPFS reads 1 MB blocks scattered on the NSDs, so that read-ahead
> > always reads too much. This might be the cause of the slow read seen —
> > maybe you’ll also overflow it if reading from both NSD-servers at the
> > same time?
> I have switched the readahead off and this produced a small (~10%)
> increase of performances when reading from a NSD server, but no change
> in the bad behaviour for the GPFS clients

> >
> >
> > Plus.. it’s always nice to give a bit more pagepool to hhe clients than
> > the default.. I would prefer to start with 4 GB.
> we'll do also that and we'll let you know!

Could you show your mmlsconfig? Likely you should set maxMBpS to indicate
what kind of throughput a client can do (affects GPFS
readahead/writebehind).  Would typically also increase workerThreads on
your NSD servers.

1 MB blocksize is a bit bad for your 9+p+q RAID with 256 KB strip size.
When you write one GPFS block, less than a half RAID stripe is written,
which means you  need to read back some data to calculate new parities. I
would prefer 4 MB block size, and maybe also change to 8+p+q so that one
GPFS is a multiple of a full 2 MB stripe.

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