>> Mixing DSS and ESS in the same cluster is not a supported configuration.
> I know, it means you can never ever migrate your storage from DSS to ESS
> without a full backup and restore. Who with any significant amount of
> storage is going to want to do that? The logic behind this escapes me,
> or perhaps in that scenario IBM might relax the rules for the migration
> period.

We do indeed relax the rules temporarily for a migration.

The reasoning behind this rule is for support. Many Scale support issues - 
often the toughest ones - are not about a single node, but about the cluster or 
network as a whole. So if you have a mix of IBM systems with systems supported 
by an OEM (this applies to any OEM by the way, not just Lenovo) and a 
cluster-wide issue, who are you going to call. (Well, in practice you’re going 
to call IBM and we’ll do our best to help you despite limits on our knowledge 
of the OEM systems…).


Carl Zetie
Program Director
Offering Management
Spectrum Scale
(919) 473 3318 ][ Research Triangle Park


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